Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pregnancy Health - Try To Keep Yourself Happy

Pregnancy health has a lot to do with the happy pregnancy. If you can keep yourself happy during the period of the pregnancy then your pregnancy health can be much better. Although, keeping yourself happy is always better for you at any point of the time yet it is truer when any symptom of pregnancy is observed. When you feel happy you can take the things more positively. This positive attitude is the secret of pregnancy health for any pregnant woman.

Positive Mindset
The best way to maintain the pregnancy health is to keep you happy. So, instead of looking here and there for the pregnancy health one must concentrate on the methods of happiness. Although, it is true that what can be a sure formula of happiness for one person may not work that much effectively for the another one yet we can say that if a person can keep himself in the positive frame of mindset then he or she has learnt the art of keeping himself or herself happy.

Keep Yourself Busy In Meaningful Work
Another good method for maintaining the pregnancy health is that the pregnant women should keep themselves involved in the constructive and meaningful work. In the process of giving something to others you develop a healthy relationship with the others that is very important for the pregnancy health. Once you achieve the happiness, you also get the feeling inside you that this happiness is your treasure and nobody can ever take it from you. This kind of feeling of the satisfaction creates a positive effect on the overall body health.

Whenever we observe early pregnancy symptom in the woman we should try that she develop a feeling of belief in herself. When a pregnant woman concentrates on what is best she is having rather than focusing on any negative point then it becomes a big factor for the improved pregnancy health. Here are some suggestions on how we can keep the pregnant women in a happy state of the mind. The first and the most effective method is to make her realize that she is going to create an extra ordinary thing in the life by creating a new life.

Another very effective method of keeping the pregnant woman happy for the better pregnancy health is to tell her that she is going through the rare opportunity in her life when she has the liberty of eating whatever she wishes at whatever time she like to eat. Tell her that instead of concentrating on the unpleasant changes taking place in the body of the pregnant woman she should try to focus on the jealously looking faces of the others because of the motherly glow on you face.

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.

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Your Weekly Guide - Maintain A Pregnancy Week By Week Calendar

This article can prove to be a useful guide for those who are expecting and also for those who want to know how a child does develops inside a mother’s womb. Pregnancy is a gradual process. Before moving on a detailed discussion on pregnancy week by week advancements, it is very important for us to know that there are three stages of pregnancy. Usually known as trimester, the first week of pregnancy runs from one to week fourteen, the second from weeks 15-26 and the third trimester from weeks 27-40.

Know The Weekly Progress Of Your Child:
Pregnancy week by week developments should be discussed right from the stage when a woman’s body prepares itself by ovulating. In 14 days, the egg is fertilized into sperm. There will be rapid development in week 4, and it is during this stage that a woman realizes that she is pregnant. If you are interested in detailed pregnancy week by week maturity level of the child, then you must have heard that the primitive streak develops and through this primitive streak the cells usually expands into three layers. The bottom layer is responsible for the development of tongue, lung linings, associated glands and tonsils and so on. The middle layer outlines the muscles, heart, blood cells, excretory and reproduction system and so on. And the topmost layer, firms the skin, eye lens, tooth, mouth, anus, skin and all parts of the nervous system.

With time and gradual pregnancy week by week advancements, the heart starts beating, the baby grows in size, the cerebellum starts forming during week 8 and by week 9 you can determine whether you are having a boy or girl. The baby becomes more active after week 9. The muscle structure varies in each baby and the baby starts to show eccentricity by week 11. This is a very important and interesting stage of growth in a child when you analyze pregnancy week by week development.

With time, the baby develops its own immune system. We should not forget that a mother’s body also needs proper attention and care when a child grows in her womb. Pregnancy health related issues can be understood by consulting your doctor. Due to hormonal changes, you may experience health problems such as backaches, cramps, morning sickness, nausea and exhaustion and so on. These are symptoms of pregnancy that generally starts during the initial stages and continues throughout pregnancy.

The journey of pregnancy is no doubt an enjoyable experience, irrespective of the pain one suffer. Motherhood is a privilege of women. And pregnancy week by week reports can make this journey even more enthralling. Maintain a weekly pregnant calendar that will cover all information regarding your visits to doctors, health related issues, child’s development and mood swings and so on. Remember, just visiting to a doctor does not complete your pregnancy week by week calendar. You need to pen down everything, right from conceiving to the time when the baby will actually finish dropping on its resting place. It is time to welcome your new born child.

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.

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Caffeine and Pregnancy

A huge controversy exists about caffeine and pregnancy with some conclusive findings suggesting that higher levels of caffeine intake can have negative effects on pregnant women and their babies. The real question up for debate is: What amount of caffeine is safe? While it is best not to ‘overworry’ about the chocolate bar you may have inhaled last night (yes…chocolate has caffeine), if you find the effects of caffeine on your pregnancy worrisome, perhaps you would be best suited avoiding caffeine altogether.

First, caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic, so it increases blood pressure and heart rate (not recommended during pregnancy), and causes frequent urination that could lead to dehydration. While you are in control of the exact amount of caffeine that enters your body, your baby is not; caffeine crosses the placenta and acts on your baby just as it acts on you. Normally, the effects of caffeine on an adult wear off in six hours, but in pregnant women, it may take twice as long to leave the body. Also, because the baby is still developing he will not be able to metabolize the caffeine efficiently which could result in altered sleep patterns and movement in the later stages of pregnancy.

In effort to prepare for pregnancy, many women eat better and exercise before conception to ensure that their bodies are healthy and ready for implantation of a fertilized embryo. Some studies have actually found a link between high amounts of caffeine consumption and delayed conception, with women who consumed more than 300 mg of caffeine per day twice as likely to have conception delayed a full year or more compared with women who consumed less than 300 mg per day. While low to moderate consumption seems safe, heavy caffeine drinkers may want to start cutting back even when they begin trying for a baby. No studies have been done on the effects of caffeine on sperm.

The under-300 mg per day mark seems to be the safe consumption level even after conception as the fetus grows within the mother. A few studies have been done that show an increase in miscarriage among women who consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day, and other study outcomes of high caffeine consumption included pre-term labor and low birth weight. Many studies done in animals have shown caffeine to cause birth defects, reduced fertility, and other reproductive problems, but human studies are still far behind. Although many women choose to avoid caffeine completely just in case it may have undiscovered effects in any amount, experts believe that moderate caffeine intake (150 mg-250 mg per day) will not have a negative effect on pregnancy.

For those women holding out until the late stages of pregnancy to enjoy caffeine again, the wait may be even longer than expected. Late in the pregnancy, the baby will absorb caffeine from the mother, and at this stage, the caffeine can cause increased fetal heart rate, increased breathing rate, and tremors. Also, babies born to women with high levels of caffeine consumption late in the pregnancy were likely to spend more time awake in the days following birth. Many tired parents of newborns want their babies to sleep well, so the avoidance of caffeine in late pregnancy is essential for the baby to establish good sleeping patterns, and essential for the parents’ peace of mind as well! Even breast-feeding mothers can pass caffeine into their baby’s system, so while low to moderate caffeine levels will not harm the baby, any amount of caffeine will be passed from mother to baby, metabolized by the baby’s system, and may have stimulating effects.

While most women and babies have no negative health effects from low to moderate caffeine consumption, caffeine sensitivity varies in each individual mom and baby. If you are normally caffeine sensitive, take care to avoid it during pregnancy, as the effects of caffeine are greater because it is more slowly metabolized in pregnant women. Avoid caffeine containing foods such as chocolate, coffee flavored ice creams and yogurts, and stick to fruity desserts like pies. Be sure to stay well hydrated with beverages such as decaffeinated tea, juice, and water.

If you are thinking of becoming pregnant, but consuming more than three cups of brewed coffee per day, try to start weaning yourself off of the coffee now, as your body will have a chance to adjust before all of the other changes start taking place. Once pregnant, take care to regulate caffeine intake at safe levels. Know what foods and beverages contain caffeine, and avoid them if you are concerned about the effects of caffeine on pregnancy. Myths do exist about caffeine and pregnancy, so remain calm if you do happen to slip and indulge in cappuccino ice cream; moderate levels of caffeine are safe for you and your baby.
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4 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

4 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

So you want to get that wiggly bowling ball of a baby out already!! Its been 9 months of puking, peeing, bloating and not sleeping and it is time to put an end to the madness. The bassinet is ready, your bags are packed and the nursary has a fresh coat of paint. Well aside from booking a planned c-section there are no guarantees as too when your little munchkin will make an appearance, however there are a few things you could try to give nature a nudge. These are the 4 methods I explored with my last two pregnancies to get the ball rolling.

1) Essential Oil-Clary Sage-This was a personal favorite of mine that I used to go into labor with both of my little monkeys. I am convinced without the assistance of Clary Sage that I would have gone overdue with both pregnancies, however both occurred right at my due date! I simply rubbed the oil on my wrists and ankles and added a few drops to my bath water. It also comes in handy during labor where the scent helped to provide calm and comfort, and actually assist in the effective dialation of the uterus. They do warn however, not to use until you are far enough along in your pregnancy to go into labor.

2) Stripping or Sweeping Membranes- This was not a favorite of mine which I did do twice in the doctors office with my last pregnancy (at 38 & 39 weeks). Basically the doctor inserts his finger into the vagina and attempts to separate your bag of water from the lower part of the uterus. This is suppose to cause a release of hormones called prostaglandins which should help to get contractions going and may help to further ripen the cervix. I have one word for this procedure...OUCH!! It hurt so very bad, but more so the first time. I did experience some spotting and cramping after having this procedure done, which I was told by my doctor is completely normal. Although it was a painful procedure and it didn't work to put me right into labour as I was hoping, if given the choice, I would do it again.

3) Sex-I know what your thinking. Isn't this what got me in this mess to begin with? Well sometimes how it starts is how it ends. So although you may feel as big as a house and it feels that you got kicked hard in the crotch it may be worth it to hop on board so to speak. Apparently semen contains prostaglandins that can stimulate contractions.

4)Nipple Stimulation-Well I must say that this one is much easier than the sex option and with enough massaging I remember even feeling light contractions of the uterus. The science behind nipple stimulation is that it helps your body release oxytocin (natural form of pitocin), which causes contractions and can even help to bring on labor. Some doctors do advise against this method because it can lead to long, hard contractions which can stress the baby and the fetal heart rate.

Ultimately, it is that little tike that will decide when he or she is ready to come out, however it never hurts to try to give nature a nudge. It is however, incredibly important that you speak with your doctor or health care provider before attempting any approach to induce labour (natural or otherwise).

Nicole Burgess
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Nutrition in Pregnancy

Having a well balanced diet when you are pregnant is
extremely important, as your diet is going to be directly
related to the health of your fetus. A balanced diet is key
to having a healthy pregnancy. Thus, it is essential to get
the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as
other nutrients. This is often difficult in pregnancy
because of cravings, sickness, and lack of energy, which
makes preparing the right foods even harder.

Let's take a look at what you need, and then at a great
and easy option for meeting these nutritional needs.

During pregnancy vitamins are vital. Many women take
prenatal vitamins containing iron (for healthy blood) and
calcium (for healthy bones) to supplement what their
babies need. However, not all prenatal vitamins provide
everything you need, and many women find that
prenatal vitamins make them sick. Another option is to
pick fortified foods such as fortified breakfast cereals or
orange juice with calcium as some good ways to get
extra vitamins into your diet. But even this is not going to
be enough, as the fortified vitamins are never as
effective as the real thing from the source.

Another important vitamin that should be taken or
consumed during pregnancy is folic acid. It's also
important to take folic acid right before conception and in
the early weeks of pregnancy to help prevent birth
defects of the brain and spine. While you can take a
supplement for folic acid, it is better to include in your
diet natural food sources of folic acid. Natural sources
include oranges, green leafy vegetables, beans,
peanuts, broccoli, asparagus, peas, lentils, and enriched
grain products. Leafy greens are probably the best
source, and one of the plants with highest bioavailability
of folic acid is the Moringa tree.

Vitamins of all kinds are going to be essential for a
healthy, happy child. Certain vitamins can help to prevent
childhood blindness, diabetes, and other illnesses. So,
what is a great and easy option for obtaining all of the
necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as the other
nutrients needed for a healthy baby, such as the
essential amino acids, etc.? The answer is Zija.

Zija is a healthy, all natural beverage made from Moringa
oleifera, which is rich in many vitamins including vitamin
A, B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, Folic Acid, Biotin,
and more. It also contains the much needed minerals
Calcium and Iron, as well as Chloride, Chromium, Copper,
Flourine, Potassium, and others to name a few. The plant
it is made from has all 8 essential amino acids, and many
others. By way of nutrient density, and bioavailability of
said nutrients, it is one of the best plants you can
implement into your daily diet, and little is lost in the
conversion of the plant to the drink. For a convenient
easy way to utilize this plant in your daily life, without
having to utilize energy you don't have, drink Zija.

Eric Thorn, a successful businessman, highly recommends the Zija Moringa Beverage for a great and easy option for obtaining all of the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy baby. Visit to learn more.
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