90% of pregnant women suffer from the dreaded "morning sickness". This is one of the least pleasant aspects of being pregnant and is characterized by extreme nausea and vomiting. Contrary to the name, "morning sickness" doesn’t just strike in the morning, but can happen at any time of day. Why "morning sickness" occurs is a bit of a mystery. The medical experts don’t really know why the majority of pregnant women suffer from this condition. There are, however, several ways to minimize the symptoms of "morning sickness". Here are a few tips (more tips on pregnancy and conception can be found at http://www.freepregnancytips.com):
1) Keep your liquid levels up by frequently sipping liquids like water, tea or soup. This helps to keep your body hydrated which is important as when vomiting, your body is constantly losing fluids. Also the fluids help to fill the stomach. It is much more unpleasant to vomit when your stomach is empty than when there is actually something to bring up.
2) Eat carbohydrates such as rice, bread or pasta as they are not as easily vomited up and they keep you from feeling hungry.
3) Try to eat little snacks interspersed regularly throughout the day rather a few large, heavy meals.
4) If eating makes you feel queasy and causes you to vomit, then don’t eat! You are not going to get any nutritional gain if you bring up the food that you’ve eaten.5) Avoid fatty, spicy or fried foods and foods that have strong smells as these can make you feel queasy and cause you to vomit.
6) Some studies have shown that a dosage of approximately 10 - 25mg of vitamin B6 three times per day can help to reduce symptoms of nausea. First ask your healthcare practitioner whether you can take vitamin B6.
7) There are also foods rich in vitamin B6 that you can eat such as cereal grains, legumes, eggs, fish, chicken, nuts and avocados.
8) Ginger is a natural antispasmodic which can also help with nausea. It can be used in tea or chewed raw. Chewing itself has a beneficial effect on nausea. Always use fresh ginger as dried ginger is not as effective.
Exactly how long "morning sickness" lasts varies from woman to woman. Hopefully by following the above tips, it will reduce your symptoms. Just hang in there! It will eventually pass. Best of luck with your pregnancy.
Note to Publishers: You may freely republish this article as is, without editing or modification, and all links must be kept live. The author, Gregory De Villiers, writes on a variety of health and wellness topics. See http://www.freepregnancytips.com for more tips on pregnancy and conception.
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Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_121756_61.html
Friday, October 19, 2007
Morning Sickness During Pregnancy And How To Reduce Your Symptoms
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Press Release For Expectant and New Parents!
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Organic and Eco Babies
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How to tell your boss your expecting!
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Ectopic Pregnancy – What Every Woman Needs To Know
What Is An Ectopic Pregnancy?
Put simply an Ectopic Pregnancy is a pregnancy that develops outside of the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes, cervix or ovary. It usually happens when the fallopian tube is damaged or blocked and prevents the fertilised egg from reaching its correct destination and therefore it implants itself in the fallopian tube.
Ectopic Pregnancies are usually discovered between the fourth and tenth week of pregnancy when the expectant mother will have experienced some of the following symptoms.
- Pain when urinating or opening her bowels
- Vaginal bleeding, which is darker and more watery than a normal period bleed
- Diarrhoea, fainting, vomiting and general pain.
- Persistent pain on one side of the abdomen
- Pain in the shoulder
Can It Affect Any Expectant Mother?
Affecting one in a hundred pregnancies makes this condition a lot more common than most women realise. However there are certain factors, which could make a woman more at risk of an Ectopic Pregnancy.
- If they have had Chlamydia in the past, their chances of having an Ectopic Pregnancy are increased
- If they are over 35
- If they have had a previous Ectopic Pregnancy
- If they have previously had a caesarean section
- If they have a contraceptive coil fitted. Although this prevents womb pregnancies it does not prevent a pregnancy developing in the fallopian tube
- Taking the mini contraceptive pill can slightly increase their chances
- If they have tubal endometriosis.
The Treatment Of An Ectopic Pregnancy
Unfortunately an Ectopic Pregnancy cannot survive. If a pregnant woman experiences any of the above symptoms they should inform their doctor immediately. Treatment will take place at a hospital where they will confirm the pregnancy is Ectopic and then it will be removed. Although this seems very harsh, there is no way the pregnancy can survive and if the fallopian tube ruptures it can prove fatal for the woman.
Life After An Ectopic Pregnancy
Many Ectopic Pregnancies are caught in the early stages before there is any damage to the fallopian tubes. In this case 6 out of 10 women can go onto to conceive naturally. However if the fallopian tube was ruptured or became badly damaged the woman can be left infertile.
Women who have suffered a previous Ectopic Pregnancy face an increased risk of having another one in the future. Unfortunately there is very little they can do to prevent another one. Women who fall into this category would need to ensure they visit their doctor very early on in their next pregnancy to ensure the egg is developing in the correct place.
It is recommended that women who have had an Ectopic Pregnancy wait a few months before trying to conceive again. Obviously this may well depend on what treatment was administered and how severe the Ectopic Pregnancy was.
Many women find an Ectopic Pregnancy difficult to come to terms with and can seek advice from the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust at this difficult time.
Lisa Mills is an author based in Essex. She writes for websites and magazines. She also runs a baby gift box website. http://www.newbabygiftboxes.co.uk/ is a site offering a baby gift box service and other baby gifts.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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Monday, October 15, 2007
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Pregnancy Journal – A Family Memoir
The body, if you monitor carefully, helps you know the moment you are pregnant. The most common early sign of pregnancy can be deciphered even before you realize that you have missed the period or doing a pregnancy test on the home pregnancy kit. Pregnancy is one of the happiest moments for any woman, a moment when she feels blessed and part of creation. She wants to share this joy with her family and friends. What better way can be there for sharing this experience? A pregnancy journal or a personal diary is the best way to record your feelings, experiences to share this experience with your near and dear ones.
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Early Sign of Pregnancy – Tracking the Symptoms
The earliest and most recognizable sign of pregnancy is missed periods. Woe to the women who do not keep a track of their periods or have an irregular menstrual cycle, for it will take a while for them to register their pregnancy. Nausea or morning sickness is another early sign of pregnancy. Increase in hunger or total loss of appetite follows the missed period and nausea pregnancy symptoms. These signs may vary and swing either way with each passing day, as the body prepares itself to welcome a new life. Every woman, rather every pregnancy, differs in pregnancy symptoms.
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