If you wish to know something about the pregnancy week by week then here is some information for you in this regard. Most of the women have a feeling of the frightening at the though of getting pregnant. However, to many of them it is also a miraculous thing that takes place in their lives. There are so many misconceptions prevail among the women regarding the symptom of the pregnancy. Therefore, a good knowledge of this topic will not only remove your nervousness regarding the pregnancy but also help you in understanding the early pregnancy symptom more clearly.
The Pace Of The Development Of Fetus May Vary With The Person
Comprehensive information regarding the pregnancy week by week will make you aware of what changes takes place in the body of the pregnant women during the course of the nine months resulting in the creation of a new life. While trying to understand regarding these changes in the body during pregnancy week by week, one should take in to the account that every woman is different from the other one and that is why the pace at which the fetus develops may vary depending upon the person.
How to begin The Counting of Weeks?
During the course of pregnancy week by week how do we start counting the weeks? Beginning of the first week of the pregnancy period is assumed from the day when you had your last menstrual period. Egg fertilization takes place in the fourth week of the pregnancy period. This is exactly the time when the new life start taking shape. When a woman reaches the sixth week of her pregnancy period, heart beating begins in the baby. You may start feeling nausea or the morning sickness in the seventh week of the pregnancy period. This is the time when the growth in the baby takes place at a very fast pace. This is the time when the development of the small arms and the legs in the fetus can be observed.
Adjustments In The Body To Accommodate The Growing baby
A careful, study of pregnancy week by week indicates that your bodies grows and starts adjusting to accommodate the growing baby during the ninth to twelfth week of the pregnancy. Week number twelve brings the end of the morning sickness with it. If you wish to know the gender of the baby then you have to wait till the thirteenth week of the pregnancy period. However, at this point of time 100 % accuracy cannot be guaranteed in this regard. By the end of the fourteenth week it becomes possible to feel the movement of the fetus inside your body because of the hardening of the bones of the baby.
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource http://www.earlysignofpregnancy.info/ She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. Early Sign of Pregnancy.info is your free resource that not only provides information on early sign of pregnancy but the other aspects of pregnancy too.
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