The only certain thing about the symptom of pregnancy is that no early pregnancy symptom that can be universally accepted as the sure sign of pregnancy. There are both types of the pregnant woman. In the first category we can put those women who feel about the pregnancy symptom during the beginning of the pregnancy period. On the other hand there are woman who do not feel that they are pregnant during the course of the pregnancy period.
No Symptom Of Pregnancy is Universally Accepted
Although this is true that there is no symptom of pregnancy that can be considered as the sure sign of pregnancy yet here are some of the symptom of pregnancy that most of the pregnant women experience during the course of their pregnancy period. Among all these the morning sickness is most talked about symptom of pregnancy. Morning sickness refers to the feeling of nausea ands sometime resulting in the vomiting by the pregnant women. However, you should not get confused with the name morning sickness because it can happen at any time during the day. In some even this most common symptom of pregnancy is not observed. In most of the cases morning sickness continues only till the end of the first trimester.
Missed menstrual Cycle
Missed menstrual period is another symptom of pregnancy that is very common among the entire pregnant woman. However, there may be several other reasons also that are responsible for the missed period. Some of these reasons that can cause missing of the period even if the woman is not pregnant are illness, stress, fluctuation in the weight and use of the oral contraceptive pills by the woman. Here polycystic ovary syndrome is worth mentioning because it can delay the arrival of the menstrual period by several months. However, if any other symptom of pregnancy also occurs with this then we can assume that the woman in question is pregnant.
Change In The Size And The Feel Of the Breast
If a woman observes that the size of the breast is changing along with the feeling of breast then it can be assumed that the woman is pregnant because this is also very common symptom of pregnancy. This sign of pregnancy can appear in the very early stage of the pregnancy. The enlargement in the size of the pregnant women is understandable because the nature is preparing the body for the breastfeeding. In some cases the sensitivity of the breast increases and the pregnant women start feeling tenderness in the breast. Some of them also complain about a tingling sensation. However, in most of the cases women have to face this problem only for few weeks during the pregnancy period.
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource http://www.earlysignofpregnancy.info/ She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. Early Sign of Pregnancy.info is your free resource that not only provides information on early sign of pregnancy but the other aspects of pregnancy too.
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