Great news, you're having a baby! Not everybody will find he news sogreat. Eventually you are going to start glowing and people aroundyou are going to notice that you are pregnant. So, before it becomesa rumor, tell your direct supervisor. Don't tell him in a letter oremail. Do it in person. Then you can tell your other co-workers.Set up a meeting with your boss to review the upcoming changes. Youshould discuss your pending maternity leave. Who will cover for youand will you be given plenty of time to train the right person. Howdoes your company deal with unexpected difficulties like unplannedbedrest or hospitalization? How long will you be away from work anddo you plan on returning? Do they offer work from homeopportunities? Find out your companies policies as far as your howyour seniority will be affected by a leave of absence. Will yourtime away affect your next pay increase? Find out from other co-workers what they have negotiated in the past so you will have aguideline to go by. Prepare a proposal of your needs and desires sothat you are preparred for the meeting. But be flexable to get whatyou want.
After you know your companies policies, know your rights. Find outwhat federal rights you are entitled to after giving birth. Is athere a time limit? Are there a number of required hours you musthave been employed? Your local government branch should have someinformation for you. If at any time you feel you have beendiscriminated against due to your pregnancy, contact legal advise.
Remain open minded and not paranoid. Just because your boss is asuccessful single person without children, does not mean that he isupset over your news. Being open and honest early on in yourpregnancy, can lead to a stree free working enviroment. Chances arethat your co-workers are going to be thrilled to celebrate thisoccasion with you and the rest of your family.
Roxanna Ward, Community leader and staff writer forhttp://www.babyuniversity.com,/ lives in Georgia with her husband andher three children. As a published freelance writer the focus of herwriting is concentrated on sharing household tips, her experiencewith her frugal lifestyle as well as the phenomenal process ofbreastfeeding, child rearing related issues and romanticrelationships. She is also currently the Editor of three newsletters:What's New at BabyU?, Intimate Encounters and At Home with BabyUniversity. Roxanna can be contacted at Roxanna30135@...
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