Monday, November 12, 2007

What Is The Early Ectopic Pregnancy Symptom?

Before discussing the early ectopic pregnancy symptom, let's know what actually an ectopic pregnancy is.

Ectopic Pregnancy

When the embryo develops outside your uterus, it is called ectopic pregnancy. Usually, the embryo gets implanted in your fallopian tube instead of the uterus. Such pregnancies are also known as tubal pregnancies. They can even occur at other pelvic places like your abdomen, ovary, or cervix and is diagnosed through the early ectopic pregnancy symptom.

Recognizing The Early ectopic Pregnancy Symptom

The following are the early ectopic pregnancy symptom that you may experience:

* Pain in the abdomen. This is usually at the lower part or on one side.
* Vaginal bleeding.
* Late or missed menstruation.
* Passing of tissue from the vagina. As far as possible, you should try to keep the passed tissue for the doctor's examination.
* Other usual pregnancy symptoms.

You can begin to feel the early ectopic pregnancy symptom before you miss your period.

Late Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

As the ectopic pregnancy advances, it may cause bleeding and rupture. You may experience:

* Unconsciousness or dizziness due to loss of blood.
* Pain in your shoulders. The blood causes disturbance in the diaphragm, which, in turn, exerts pressure on your shoulder nerves.
* Increased heartbeats.
* Weakness
* Bloating and hardness in the abdomen

You should not ignore the early ectopic pregnancy symptom and wait till the late ones arrive. It is very important that ectopic pregnancy be detected and treated early to save your fertility and your life. Moreover, the treatments are more effective during the early stage.

Therefore, as soon as you notice the early ectopic pregnancy symptom, you should call your doctor and be ready to head for the emergency room.

What Happens In The Emergency Room?

*Transvaginal ultrasound
* Urine pregnancy test
* Blood test (only if it is not possible to be detected through urine test).
* Pelvic examination

Your doctor will make sure whether the early ectopic pregnancy symptoms are actually of ectopic pregnancy or other condition that also display similar symptoms.

Diagnosis Of Ectopic Pregnancy

The best thing to do is rush to your doctor as soon as you catch the early ectopic pregnancy symptom. Diagnosis is easier during the early stage. If the tube bursts, you may experience a strong pain in the abdomen and may even faint. This makes the diagnosis difficult. Moreover, you don't want to go through such a painful period, do you? Hence, be on the alert for early signs.

The early ectopic pregnancy symptom is your body's way of telling you that there is something wrong in there. Do not let it grow into a serious condition. Treat it fast.

Alien writes for stye and health information

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Pregnancy Morning Sickness: What Causes The Nausea?

Many women suffer from pregnancy morning sickness some just suffer more than others.

Morning sickness strikes in early pregnancy. With symptoms such as mild nausea and fatigue, morning sickness is a common feature. Others, including nosebleeds and bladder infections, are less common.

Changes! Changes!

So what leads to early pregnancy symptoms as morning sickness? Soon after you conceive, your body begins a series of major changes that enable it to sustain your baby through 9 months of growth and development. The glands of your endocrine system and placenta begin to cause more hormone production. Your blood volume increases and your uterus expand.

By the fourth month of pregnancy, you'll begin to feel like yourself, mostly because your body has adjusted somewhat to these dramatic changes. Until then, you can rest assured that first trimester pregnancy symptoms are almost always associated with normal pregnancies that lead to healthy babies. For example, morning sickness and the other ailments that occur around this time are almost always mild enough to manage on your own. If the symptoms persist into the second trimester pregnancy, then there could well be trouble. You need to get yourself medically examined.

How common is pregnancy morning sickness? More than half of pregnant women or about 70% suffer from bouts of morning sickness that include nausea and vomiting, early in pregnancy. While a queasy feeling may be most commonly felt in the morning, the feeling could even last through the day.

The Hormone's Role

Pregnancy morning sickness affects because a rapid increase in hCG (the pregnancy hormone) and estrogen play a part in the appearance of morning sickness. You start feeling the effects of pregnancy morning sickness once the pregnancy hormone raises to a certain level. Many start feeling relief from the morning sickness around the time that the levels of hCG start to decline in your system, which is about the time that the second trimester strikes.

Another change that occurs when you are pregnant is a heightened sense of taste and smell. Smells and tastes that once were appealing take on a whole new effect. Foods such as coffee and meats that might once be appealing to you, now begin to repel owing to their strong odors. It is believed that the increase of estrogen is responsible for this change.

It is also believed that women who have a weak stomach or are prone to throwing up for a number of reasons such as stress, illness, birth control pills, etc. can experience pregnancy morning sickness more often and severely than women who have a stronger ability to withstand nausea and a strong stomach.

Relieve It!

How do you manage pregnancy morning sickness? Ways to relieve that nauseous feeling last from munching a few crackers before getting up early in the morning, eating several small meals a day so your stomach is never empty, drinking plenty of fluids including crushed ice, fruit juice, or frozen ice pops, to wearing a morning sickness band which might soothe your stomach by pressing on an acupressure point inside your wrist.

Alien writes for Teen pregnancy . He also writes for family health and home remedies .

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Is Very Early Pregnancy Symptom - Cramping - Always Normal?

You are pregnant. Congratulations! Have you experienced the very early pregnancy symptom - cramping? If yes, then don't worry, it is quite normal to get this symptom. If not, then you are going to experience it very soon. It's a way of your body to inform you that an embryo is implanted in your uterus and ready to undertake its nine-month journey!

Let's know more about this very early pregnancy symptom, cramping; when it's normal and when it requires your doctor's attention.

The Cause Behind Cramping

This very early pregnancy symptom, cramping, is caused because of the enlargement of your uterus, as it welcomes the embryo into it. The newly implanted embryo forces the walls of your uterus to expand, thus, causing the feeling of cramps. The second name for cramping is implantation bleeding, which takes place when the fertilized egg moves to the uterus lining and expands it. This cramping is just like the one you experience before your period.

Don't be horrified if you see blood spots in your panties, along with the very early pregnancy symptom, cramping. Spotting may occur about a week or two after fertilization. Moreover, the light bleeding will take place only for a couple of days. Another thing to notice is that the blood is very light in color, unlike the blood released during menstruation, which is darker. Also, menstruation lasts for 5-6 day while this spotting should NOT last for more than two days. If you are doubtful about this symptom, then look out for other early pregnancy symptoms. If you don't like the anxiety of it, they go for a pregnancy test straight away.

Cramping Requires Medical Attention When.

The very early pregnancy symptom, cramping, is normal and does not call for worry. It is a harmless indication by your body that it is preparing for nurturing your baby. However, if you get fever or experience excess bleeding with cramping, then you need to worry and call your doctor fast.

When we say that the very early pregnancy symptom, cramping, is normal, we mean ONLY cramping and spotting. However, if there's more to it than just cramping, then you require a doctor. For women, who have had a miscarriage before, should see a doctor to ensure that their cramping is not related to any complication.

Never ignore the dark color of blood or excess bleeding or excess pain. These are signs that there's something wrong. The very early pregnancy symptom - cramping DOES NOT accompany all this. Moreover, you should also not try to treat these signs yourself. You don't know why this is happening. Hence, it's best to leave it to your doctor.

There are women who can make out that they are pregnant simply by experiencing this very early pregnancy symptom, cramping. Then there are women who get confused whether it's the commencement of pregnancy or menstruation. Whatever be the case, the ultimate confirmation comes after the line in your pregnancy test kit shows positive.

Alien writes for Teen pregnancy . He also writes for family health and home remedies .

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Unusual Early Pregnancy Symptoms: A Checklist

Some women trying to get pregnant for the first time, find unusual early pregnancy symptoms bothering them. Despite looking for obvious symptoms of pregnancy like nausea and swollen breasts, some women find none of these symptoms appearing on them. But some unusual symptoms instead appear to warn you of your pregnancy. Some of these symptoms might signal that you are heading for a not very normal pregnancy.

Salivating Endlessly

What might be these signs of unusual early pregnancy symptoms? One symptom could be you producing more saliva than usual during pregnancy. You might find yourself salivating excessively so much so that you may need a handkerchief with you to prevent the excess drool from spilling out and embarrassing you. Don't worry, while a strange symptom of early pregnancy, it is a symptom of changing hormone levels and is not an unduly cause for concern.
Veins on your Chest

Another unusual early pregnancy symptom is a unique physical change that might show on your body, obvious veins on your chest. You might notice them after taking a bath, and these may be in the form of a series of veins under your arms and along the sides of your breasts that look like darkened railway tracks. The increased blood supply to the body have caused these veins.

Frequent Nosebleeds or Nasal Congestion

Another unusual early pregnancy symptom are frequent nosebleeds or nasal congestion, particularly at night, both the result of pregnancy. You may be surprised to find you awake in the morning with a stuffy nose, whether or not you have a cold.

Increased Vaginal Discharge

Some pregnant women are surprised to find they have more discharge, a response to changing levels of hormones in your body, than normal during pregnancy. This is usually nothing to worry about unless accompanied by other symptoms like odor, itching or burning.

Metal Mouth

Some women report tasting metal in their mouths particularly during early pregnancy. This is an uncommon but sometimes reported unusual early pregnancy symptom.

The Protein Can Tell

Another unusual early pregnancy symptom are the levels of protein in the body which you can gauge through the alphafetoprotein (AFP) test. The AFP test is a simple blood test that can give insight into the health of the unborn baby. Once blood is drawn, the protein is measured and this is then compared to a standard range for the current length of pregnancy. A low level of AFP could be an indicator that the unborn fetus has Down's syndrome, and a high level could indicate a neural tube
disorder such as spina bifida or anencephaly.

How accurate are the results of this test? Dating of the pregnancy could influence the results, as could the presence of twins. Meaning, you could be carrying twins and this test might prove that you are. The AFP test is not a completely accurate means of abnormality in pregnancy. Most women with a high level of AFP in the blood, have healthy babies. And it is also possible that a woman who shows a normal result on this screening test could still give birth to a baby with a genetic abnormality. The amount of protein in the body is an unusual early pregnancy symptom that needs to be checked to see whether there is something amiss with the pregnancy.

Alien writes for Pregnancy calendars. He also writes for women's health care and skin care products .
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Healthy Pregnancy - Healthy Baby

Pregnancy is the most natural stage of life for most women and so as the desire for a healthy pregnancy. Yet the discovery that a baby is on the way is the most exciting moment in one’s life. The surest way to have a healthy baby is to have a healthy pregnancy by following a healthy lifestyle. A healthy way of life adopted by would be parents before conception, lessens the risks to the baby during early weeks of development, when a woman might be still unaware of her pregnancy. Preparing For A Healthy Baby Both partners should be nutrition conscious before planning for a baby. This will lead to you in good health from day one and give the baby a healthier start to life. Even though most women of childbearing age are healthy and most pregnancies are considered low risk, then also a few precautions mentioned below are desirable to have a healthy pregnancy:

Get good medical care before you get pregnant
Eat well-balanced and nutritive diet• Exercise regularly under a doctor’s supervision • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, drugs and nicotine • Avoid medications, x-rays, hot tub baths and saunas • Avoid infections.

Good Medical Care
The best way to have a healthy pregnancy is to have your health in order before conceiving. A health care provider will guide you towards healthy diet, healthy habits, check your immunity to rubella or measles, mumps, control general illnesses before conceiving, and help you keep your weight within a desired range. Once you are pregnant, your doctor will schedule your regular visits to perform series of examinations to monitor mother and baby’s health constantly.

Well-Balanced Diet Plan
An average pregnant woman gains 25 to 35 pounds in nine months. A healthy and fit pregnancy requires about 300 extra calories daily to maintain the baby and mother. The balanced diet during this period should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, some amount of fat and extra vitamins and minerals. Supplements of iron and folic acid reduce the risk of birth defects. Have 8-10 glasses of water, avoid caffeine, aerated and sweetened drinks to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Avoid Infections
Many infections caught from all possible sources like raw food, kitty litter, atmosphere, workplace or sick people should be avoided as they can cause serious harm to the fetus.

Do not take medication of any kind like antibiotics or steroids, without consulting your doctor, as they can be devastating for the unborn baby. Maintain a healthy pregnancy by refraining from even the minor medication, habitual drugs, alcohol and nicotine.

Exercise Stay in shape by resorting to simple exercise plan under the doctor’s supervision to maintain proper pregnancy health, stamina, labor and quicker regaining of pre-pregnancy shape. Wear comfortable bra and clothes, avoid strenuous exercises, pain or discomfort, modify exercise plan to suit your growing size and general health.

Adopting routines of relaxation, breathing, diet will result in healthy pregnancy, and easy labor and birth of a healthy baby.

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on pregnancy and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on pregnancy period but the other aspects of pregnancy as well.E-mail-

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Six Questions All Women Ask About Pregnancy

Here are a set of six questions about pregnancy that almost all women have in their mind while pregnant. We give you the answers to save you from unnecessary worry and confusion.

1. Is it too painful to give birth? Well, giving birth IS painful. However, it is more painful for some while for others, it may just be a smooth ride. Moreover, it depends on how you deliver the baby. An epidural birth makes you able to tolerate the pain better while in natural birth, it depends on how you breathe through pain to make it bearable. Other factors are your health and your capacity to withstand pain.

2. Is my baby Healthy Inside? A lot of mothers are anxious about pregnancy in terms of their baby’s health in their womb. Don’t worry. Medical science has reached great heights of advancement and can detect and treat problems effectively. For example, morning sickness, tiredness, and mood oscillations are good signs. It shows that your hormones are doing their work dutifully in helping your baby to develop. Besides this, if you are alert about any spotting or pain and report to your doctor immediately, then rest assured, your baby is going to be perfectly fine and cozy inside you.

3. Will I Gain Too Much Weight? Depending on your weight before pregnancy, you need to add about 25-35 pounds to your body weight during pregnancy to nourish your baby. A great way to avoid gaining too much extra flab is to increase your calorie intake by 300 calories daily. However, do not forget to exercise regularly to prevent anxious moments about pregnancy weight.

4. Is Coffee Harmful During Pregnancy? This is a debatable question. Some doctors are of the view that a cup or two won’t do any harm to your baby while others don’t to recommend it. The best thing you can do is consult your doctor. If your blood pressure is high, then your doctor may ask you to avoid it totally.

5. Will A Seat Belt Hurt My Baby? Before using a seat belt, consult your doctor about how you should place it on your abdomen. A seat belt is harmless, if worn properly, and protects you and your baby. This is one of the major issues about pregnancy safety.

6. What Should Be My Sleeping Posture? As your pregnancy advances, you will find that sleeping on your sides or back feels most comfortable. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as it puts pressure on your baby. Moreover, you won’t feel like sleeping on your stomach as your belly grows larger.

So, now that your doubts have vanished, get ready to bring a new life into the world!

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on pregnancy and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on pregnancy period but the other aspects of pregnancy as well.E-mail-

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Pregnancy - Problems And Solutions

Most of the people believe that the only change in body which pregnancy brings with it is expanding waistline. If you also feel so then to your surprise there is many other changes take place in the bodies of the women. Due to these changes one can feel problems in the digestive system, stretch marks along with other changes in the skin, increased weight and sleeping problems. With the expansion of the uterus women start feeling pain in the area of the groin, abdomen, thigh and back. When the pressure of the head of the baby increases pain in the pelvic area also starts.

Lying Down And Resting Can Help In Pregnancy

If these early pregnancy symptom or any other pregnancy symptom is creating much trouble for you during the pregnancy week by week then you can try following remedies for it. Keep your body in lying down position because resting eases some of the pain caused by the pregnancy. Alternatively you can apply heat also to get some relief.

Changes That May Take Place in The Breasts

There are some changes take places in the breasts of the women during the pregnancy. The size of the breast of the pregnant women increases. As the due date comes nearer the size of the breasts gets even bigger due to the hormonal changes. This is the method of the nature for preparing your body for the breastfeeding. You may feel a little bit uncomfortable because the fullness and heaviness of the breast may lead to the tenderness.

How To Deal With The Leaking Liquid
During pregnancy after a definite period of time a liquid starts leaking from the breasts of the pregnant women. This liquid is known as colostrum. This is yellowish and thick fluid contains the antibodies so that the newborn baby could be prevented from any kind of infection. In some cases the quantity of this colostrum or the first milk is too much and the women start feeling embarrassing. To avoid such kind of situation one can take the help of nursing pads inside the bra.

Soap Dries The Nipples And Irritates Them

If you are also facing similar kind of troubles during the pregnancy then here are some tips for you. First of all you should choose the right kind of bra. According to the experts a nursing or maternity bra is the most suitable option because it is soft and can provide the extra support. In addition, do not use any kind of soap while washing your nipples. This is because soap can produce a drying and irritating effect on the nipples. Any moisturizing cream that contains the lanolin is the right cure for the cracked nipples.

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.

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Does childbirth hurt? Can a duck swim????

Pregnancy and childbirth! One word….OUCH! If you are pregnant and expecting your first child don’t believe anyone that says it won’t hurt it will. But there is an upside. There is a point in labour when the pain is actually enjoyable. Hard to believe maybe but I do speak from experience:

I have gone through labour twice now. The first one was very scary as I was 19 embarking on a life of being a single parent and the birth was an emergency caesarean. The c-section section was carried out because the baby was in the breach position and during labour the babies’ heart beat stopped, so I was told I had to have a c-section. It seemed like madness as doctors and nurses were rushing around frantically. I was told that there was a bit of a waiting list and that I was 4th in line and that they take 15 minutes each. But because of the waiting list he should be able to work faster to do one in 12 minutes. Please can I sign here! After signing the paper I was then told to sit up so they could administrate an epidural but I couldn’t stay still for long enough and as I had been in labour all night I was exhausted so I asked them to put me to sleep. That was fine but they couldn’t put me to sleep until I was in the operating theatre! Another 45 minutes later my son was born although I did not really see him for another 6 hours as I slept.

I remember waking up in some pain and thinking oh know not again, thinking the pain was a contraction. It was only when I realised there was a baby in an incubator next to me that I realised it was not a contraction at all. The pain was just the after pain and when I realised it was not getting any worse I felt a lot better. I laid there looking at the cot wondering if the baby was a boy or a girl. After 10 minutes of day dreaming a nurse came in and asked if I was breast feeding the baby, I said I wanted to try so she got the baby out and put him straight on my breast. I asked the nurse what sex the baby was and I was told it was a boy. As I was looking down at him while the nurse was busy trying to get the baby to get a suck on my nipple I wondered why the baby was dark skinned. I was in a bit of a panic as I new there was no chance my son could be born black. It really scarred me for a while and the nurse didn’t reassure me, in fact she just carried on trying to get the baby to latch on to my breast. I got the impression that to her I was just another stupid teenager embarking on motherhood. Well I was a very scared teenager embarking on motherhood with very little support.

Other nurses were kinder and more of a help but at the end of the day I was the babies mother and he was my responsibility. After a week I took him home and spent the next 15 years devoted to him. He is nearly 16 now and is a wonderful, special, polite, well mannered, kind, giving, helpful boy and a credit to society. If only more young lads were like him the world would be a better place.

My second labour was a lot less painful and it was almost enjoyable. I was 26 and had a partner who was with me during labour. There was just a midwife on standby doing a crossword. It was a very relaxed environment and very strange to me as I thought having lots of doctors in and out was the norm. A few hours later I managed to push out son number two, the last push was enjoyable, almost like an itch being scratched. I was again a little shocked at how he looked as my first son didn’t have to go through the trauma of a natural birth so he looked perfect. Son number two came out screaming and I thought he looked like a little ugly monkey. As soon as the baby was born the father left me too it, a sign of things to come I now know, and I struggled to walk to the shower room and shower myself. Just under 2 years later1 week before my youngest sons second birthday I was on my own again. It was very devastating at the time and I struggled for a while. But I can honestly say apart from the birth of my children, my ex leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me. It is so much easier bringing up children on your own. Obviously ideally a child should have a mother a father but in today’s society that is not always possible. With my experience you can do a better job on your own and your children turn out a lot better than some children brought up in a mum dad environment.

But does it hurt, well yes. But it is well worth it, yes. Should you go ahead and have a child? I believe everyone should experience having a child, there is nothing like the unconditional love from a child. If you’re on you own, don’t let that put you off, it is all the more rewarding and if you bring your children up right they will stay your best friend for ever.


Carolyn Clayton is a webmaster who writes about a number of topics including Pregnancy and Childbirth.Please feel free to republish this article provided a working hyperlink remains to our site.
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