The body, if you monitor carefully, helps you know the moment you are pregnant. The most common early sign of pregnancy can be deciphered even before you realize that you have missed the period or doing a pregnancy test on the home pregnancy kit. Pregnancy is one of the happiest moments for any woman, a moment when she feels blessed and part of creation. She wants to share this joy with her family and friends. What better way can be there for sharing this experience? A pregnancy journal or a personal diary is the best way to record your feelings, experiences to share this experience with your near and dear ones.
Your personal pregnancy journal
Your journal or a diary is the place where you express and record all the important things experienced by you in the course of your pregnancy. It keeps track of all your feelings, moments of joys or pain. It is your best friend, with whom you share your thoughts, hopes and dreams of the future. It keeps a record of your day-to-day happenings. You learn more about the world that surrounds you; every mundane experience too becomes a moment of learning.
If you maintain the pregnancy journal consistently, you will learn to get more focused on your condition and getting comfortable with long wait of nine months before you get to see and touch your baby. It helps you in bonding and developing strong maternal bonds with the baby, who is still a mass of cells, gradually taking shape of your dreams. The cheerfulness and brightness that a pregnancy journal manages to generate becomes contagious with everything and everyone. Being happy and enjoying the moments of pregnancy is the best medicine for all the annoying changes happening within your body.
Pregnancy journal brings about a subtle change in your perspective. You view the world in a positive manner and respond accordingly. It helps you overcome the irritability, short temperedness due to fluctuating hormones. It helps you in overcoming low esteem due to heavy body weight and frumpy figure. Pregnancy journal increases the knowledge of self and helps in creativity. It simplifies the days, making you patient and less anxious for the ‘big day’.
Fill up your pregnancy journal with the recordings of the most common earliest pregnancy symptoms such as:
Change of basal body temperature through ovulation and through the expected date of next periods.
Light spotting, bleeding and yellowish vaginal discharge. It takes place 4-5 days after conception, when the embryo implants itself to the uterine wall.
Frequent urination
Fatigue during the early stages of pregnancy as hormone levels change.
A missed period dates and discovery of the first pregnancy.
All these recordings become archive material and are a handy help for recognizing signs of pregnancy during subsequent pregnancies. It is a valuable tool of incredible information and feelings experienced in your first pregnancy.
Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource www.earlysignofpregnancy.info She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. Early Sign of Pregnancy.info is your free resource that not only provides information on early sign of pregnancy but the other aspects of pregnancy too.
This article is free for republishingSource: http://www.articlealley.com/article_107755_61.html
This article is free for republishingSource: http://www.articlealley.com/article_107755_61.html
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