Saturday, December 27, 2008

Basic Principles of Ultrasound

Doppler ultrasound capabilities have increased enormously in the past few years. Technology is ever changing and the ultrasound is no different and it continues to grow in versatility as more demands are placed on the technology. Today the Doppler ultrasound is an important piece of equipment in dealing with heart disease. It's time you had understood the basic principles of ultrasound.

The Doppler ultrasound reflects sound waves which evaluate the blood as it flows through the vessels. This helps your doctor evaluate the blood flow through your major arteries and veins in the neck, legs, and arms. It can show reduce blood flow caused by narrowing in the arteries as well as blockages.

These narrowing in the arteries of the neck can lead to stroke while blood clots in the legs called deep vein thrombosis can break loose and block the flow of blood in the lungs.

A handheld transducer is passed lightly over the skin and blood vessels. Sound waves are sent which are then bounced off the solids which include the blood cells. The movement of the blood cells changes the pitch of the sound waves. This is called the Doppler Effect. When there is no blood flow there is not change in the sound pitch produced.

There are four types of Doppler ultrasounds used:

1. Power Doppler - uses the newest technology and its 5 times more sensitive at detecting blood flow than the color Doppler is and it is able to obtain images other Doppler equipment can't produce. It is generally used to evaluate the flow of blood through the vessels in organs.2. Bedside Doppler - uses the change in the pitch of the sound waves to produce the information on the flow of the blood through the vessels. The doctor listens to these sounds to evaluate whether there is a narrowed or blocked blood flow. This method is used in the hospital right at the patient's bed to quickly determine blood flow.3. Color Doppler - produces a picture of the blood vessel using the traditional ultrasound methods. The Doppler sounds are converted into color which is then overlain on the blood vessel image showing the speed and flow of the blood in the vessels.4. Duplex Doppler - also uses traditional ultrasound methods to produce pictures of both the organs and the blood vessels. The computer converts these Doppler sounds into graph form that shows the speed and direction of the flow of the blood in the vessels.

The Doppler is used to:1. Detect blood clots, narrowed blood vessels, and blocked vessels throughout the entire body but especially in the legs, arms, and neck. When arteries become narrowed or blocked they can cause dizziness, paralysis, vision loss, numbness, weakness, and other symptoms of stroke.2. Look for blood clots in the deep veins of the legs that can cause swelling and pain and if left untreated lead to pulmonary embolism.3. After a stroke or similar condition evaluate the flow of blood.4. Map veins that may be candidates for blood vessel grafts.5. Determine the amount of blood reaching a kidney transplant.6. Monitor blood flow following blood vessel surgery.7. Locate arterial plaque specifically in the carotid artery which can reduce blood flow to the brain and increase the risk of stroke.

Now that you understand the basic principles of ultrasound you can see why the Doppler ultrasound is such a powerful and important tool in the treatment and diagnosis of heart disease.

Yong has been working for a leading ultrasound manufacturer for last 8 years. At At he has provide information about different types of utlrassound equipments. Visit the website to get more information about ultrasound equipment and accessories.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Herbs and Breast Feeding - How to increase your breast milk supply

Ayurvedic Herbs can increase breast milk production. Besides medicinal plants, there are lifestyle suggestions that were known in the ancient system of holistic medicine. Herbs have been a staple part of life for us as human beings. Unfortunately the more modern our world becomes the more distant we become to what’s been naturally provided to us on this earth in order to successfully sustain life. Opposing drugs is not the focus of this article, but rather an approach to increasing breast milk production naturally through the use of herbs. Using herbs to increase breast milk can have positive effects for you and your nursing baby.

There are two popular herbs that are being used regularly to help nursing mothers overcome how to increase breastmilk production. Those two herbs are Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle.


* Fenugreek is a common galactogogue. A galactogogue is a substance that increases secretion of milk. Fenugreek usage dates back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The primary use of this herb was to combat problems that women were often faced with, one being breast milk production in mothers who found it hard to produce adequate breast milk for their baby.
* Fenugreek seed sold today is usually ground into a powder and placed into capsules. This form of Fenugreek can be purchased for a reasonable price at local herb stores.
* The normal dosage for Fenugreek is 3 capsules taken 3 times per day.
* Fenugreek primarily helps mothers to produce more milk by stimulating the glands that produce sweat. Being that your mammary glands are essentially sweat glands, it’s no mystery how this herb is able to assist towards increasing breast milk production.
* Fenugreek works best when breast milk has been emptied completely from each breast, which can be accomplished by breast feeding or using a breast pump.
* Results vary from person to person, and may take some trial and error to see if the herb works to increase your breast milk supply.

Blessed Thistle:

* Blessed Thistle works by stimulating the mammary gland, and is considered to be one of the best herbs to increase breast milk production.
* It’s recommended that you take Blessed Thistle along with Fenugreek to achieve maximum results.
* The recommended dosage is 3 capsules 3 times per day. Blessed Thistle is also sold in the form of a tincture which can be taken 3 times a day, 20 drops each dose. Some tincture preparations have labels that state nursing mothers should avoid consuming the product mainly because it contains alcohol. There is no need to worry as the alcohol is in such minute amounts that it will only show up in small amounts in you breast milk.

Other herbs that may help to increase breast milk supply are:

* Fennel Seed – helps promote menstruation and increase mothers milk production
* Chamomile – has relaxing properties and helps stimulate the production of breast milk.
* Alfalfa – this herb is rich in amino acids that are essential to the body which some mothers may be deficient in because of their diet.
* Most of the above mentioned herbs can be purchased in capsule form or as a tea.
* Goat's Rue- The leaves stimulate development of mammary glands, and increase breast milk production and flow.
* Shatavari - is traditionally used by women for overall health and vitality and it promotes lactation.

Aniseed : Aids digestion and promotes mother's milk production for nursing mothers.

Caraway : This herb has galacagogue properties. Used to aid mother's milk production and aid digestion disorders.

Below are herbs to avoid if you are having milk problems or if you want to increase breast milk production.

* Aloe spp.
* Black cohosh
* Buckthorn
* Cascara sagrada
* Cocoa

Read out Pregnancy calculator. Also check out for home remedies for sore throat

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Pregnancy and Arthritis - How Pregnancy Affects Arthritis

A look at how pregnancy affects arthritis, and how arthritis can affect pregnancy. Whether or not to have a baby is a major decision, even more so if you have arthritis. Arthritis does have the potential to complicate pregnancy at every stage, but with extra precautions and proper medical care most women with rheumatic disease can still have a successful pregnancy.

As everyone may well know, rheumatoid arthritis is systemic and also chronic and an autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting the joints that can affect women irrespective of their age. And, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy, women will undergo an alteration in their immune state that can change into an autoimmune disease, and there have also been ameliorating effects of being pregnant on a woman with rheumatoid arthritis, which has been confirmed by some recent studies on the subject. Nevertheless, there are as many as seventy to eighty percent of such patients that will experience remission while they are pregnant, though one quarter of these patients will suffer from rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy and in some cases, the disease may worsen thereby needing to be treated even when the patient is pregnant.

Temporary Improvements

Whatever improvements are felt in rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy are generally of a temporary nature with patients soon relapsing during postpartum period, and why there is improvement in rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy has yet to be fully discovered. However, theories have been put forward such as it could occur due to changes in hormones during pregnancy, effects of pregnancy on immunity that is mediated by cells and alteration to neutrophil function during a pregnancy.

If you look at the figures related to rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy, you will find that though rheumatoid arthritis does affect only one to two percent women, rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy is not as rare a condition as one might expect it to be and women who are at an age of reproduction are most likely to be affected. There have also been studies on the effects of rheumatoid arthritis on pregnancy, and it has been found that majority of women in the US having rheumatoid arthritis may be relatively unaffected by their pregnant condition and the maternal morbidity rates among women with rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy are about the same as for those who have rheumatoid arthritis and are not pregnant.

Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy have any effect on fetal outcome, though there are some reported instances of premature birth and even reduction in growth due to rheumatoid arthritis, while other reports do not suggest any change in fetal outcomes at all.

Thus, it would be safe to assume that there are no real long term effects on a woman’s health condition as far as rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy is concerned, and studies also point out there is no appreciable changes in the outcome of pregnancy in women suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

In some cases, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are relieved during pregnancy. This can occur at any time during the pregnancy. In most women, the improvement occurs by the end of the fourth month. Although joint swelling may decrease, joint pain and stiffness can still persist due to existing joint damage. Unfortunately, the improved symptoms do not continue after the pregnancy is over. A flare in the disease can occur approximately two to eight weeks after the baby is born.

Read out Pregnancy calculator. Also check out for home remedies for sore throat

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pregnancy - Nausea During Pregnancy

Unfortunately pregnancy nausea is to be expected when you learn that you are carrying a baby. This article will discuss the truth about nausea during pregnancy.

Pregnancy nausea is most common during the first trimester or the first four months of pregnancy, however, the condition and the symptoms do vary from one woman to another. One woman may experience severe vomiting in the morning, while another may experience vomiting at night. Other women may not vomit but feel nausea 24 hours a day every day of their pregnancy.

It is most common for this condition to end quite abruptly after the first few months, however, on some occasions it occurs for a while longer, or even the whole pregnancy.

As common as this condition is its true cause is not widely known. Most doctors put it down to the hormonal changes in a woman's body or a blood sugar imbalance.

Generally speaking, pregnancy nausea causes absolutely no damage to the woman or the unborn baby. However, in severe cases excessive vomiting can lead to dehydration in the mother and that will mean she will lose vital vitamins and minerals and in extreme cases hyperemesis gravidarum may result which requires immediate hospitalization in most cases.

How To Avoid Pregnancy Nausea

There are some things that you can do to try and avoid this occurring or to minimize its impact. I would recommend that you start by getting out of bed slowly every morning. If you usually feel nauseated in the morning then it is best to only have a very light breakfast as soon as you wake, even if it's some dry biscuits, before you even get out of bed.

It is also a good idea to avoid your stomach becoming empty and for that reason you should eat something very small, even dry biscuits or toast, every two hours or so.

Herbal teas, fruit juices and water are also highly recommended. It is best to avoid alcoholic drinks of caffeinated drinks. Sometimes spicy or fatty foods may also not agree with you and should be limited it not avoid altogether.

Ginger tea or ginger in tea form is said to reduce morning sickness.

It is also important that you get as much rest as possible, in a comfortable position with your legs elevated by a pillow and also your head. Also don't rush to get up after you have just eaten.

Some form of fresh air during pregnancy is also beneficial and if you are able to have a window open slightly while you are sleeping you will also benefit from this.

If you vomit up to four times a day, if you are experiencing dehydration or if you find blood in your vomit you must consult your doctor immediately. He may also prescribe tablets to help cure your nausea during pregnancy.

Read out pregnancy diary . Also check out for acne during pregnancy

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Reduce Stress During Pregnancy

Many mothers during pregnancy face extremely stressful circumstances. Pregnancy is a nine month journey for both you and your baby. Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks (about 9 months). Stress-related changes in a pregnant woman's heart rate and blood pressure, along with chronic anxiety, can affect the heart rate of her developing fetus, a new study concludes.

Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth. Their partners or families may not encourage them to seek help because the problem it is not seen as a medical one. There are many negative side effects of stress during pregnancy. Very high levels of stress may contribute to an increased risk of premature delivery or low birth weight babies. Still other studies suggest that overly high stress levels can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and produce chronic anxiety.

Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. Stress doesn't have to be bad especially when you take care to manage the stress you experience during your pregnancy. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Eating well will provide you the energy you need to get through the day, especially when you feel tired or overworked. Exercise has huge stress reducing qualities. Walking is another activity you can do in order to keep fit and reduce stress. Shortness of breath is pretty common among pregnant women, so if you feel like you've pushed yourself too far, take a rest then move at a slower pace. Water is highly important for more reasons than keeping your body hydrated. A common reason for headaches is a lack of water in the system. Try not to drink beverages in excessive amounts right before bed. Try some natural stress reduction techniques including biofeedback, yoga or meditation. Reduce your workload. If you find you are doing too much in a day find ways to delegate certain tasks to others.

Reduce Stress During Pregnancy Tips

1. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.

2. Drinking lots of water.

3. Regular exercise makes you feel great and is a wonderful way to limit anxiety in your life.

4. Relaxing by meditating, listening to music or writing in a journal.

5. Resisting any urges to drink alcohol, smoke or take herbal products or drugs.

6. Staying away from stressful people and stressful situations, when possible.

7. Try some natural stress reduction techniques including biofeedback, yoga or meditation.

8. Reduce your workload.

Juliet Cohen writes articles on diseases and conditions and women health care.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dieting After Pregnancy

If you have newly been delivered of a baby, or your time is just around the corner, you might find that your thoughts are going to regaining your pre-pregnancy figure. This is all well and good, but new mothers need to be careful how they go about dieting after pregnancy.

There is more and more pressure on women these days to regain their pre-pregnancy figures and this is only fuelled more and more by stories of new celebrity mothers who manage to regain their figures within a matter of months after delivering their baby.

If you have the time, the money and the desire to do this, it is entirely feasible that you can and will lose the weight you gained in a healthy manner. However, if you do not fall into the tax bracket of any of the new celebrity mothers, you are probably going to go it alone and try to lose the weight.

This just won’t work. Just about all of these new mothers have a diet and fitness trainer to help them with their exercise routine and dieting after pregnancy. Unless you have access to that kind of professional help, you are better off using the “nine months on, nine months off” rule.

This simply means that it took you nine months to put on the weight, you should wait and gradually lose the weight over a similar nine month period of time. When you go to think about it, this is actually very reasonable considering all the demands that you will have on your time with not only a newborn infant on your hands, but also your normal routine.

This is why you need to be careful when thinking about dieting after pregnancy. For one thing you need to be as sensible about this as you were about your diet during your pregnancy, and for another thing, if you are breastfeeding your newborn, you will need strength and the proper nutrition to get you through the day.

To that end, if you talk with your doctor about a suitable diet for you, you can then begin to lose weight in a healthy and sensible manner.

Remember that dieting after pregnancy is not something to be taken lightly. You need to give it as much care and thought as you did when you were pregnant, because you now also have your baby to look after. The very last thing that you want is to fall ill through lack of a proper diet and nutrition.

Author's Sites: Herbal Remedies & Medicines ,Natural Beauty

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Diet During Pregnancy

So you’re pregnant, and you’re practically walking on cloud nine thinking about that little bundle of joy you’re going to hold in your arms in nine months time. And except for the frequent bouts of nausea you’re getting, you’re feeling just jim-dandy. Now is the time that you need to think about your diet during pregnancy.

Unlike your carefree days when you wolf down a grease-filled burger and fries from the local diner, or when you could drink your friends under the table, you now have to think about yourself in a responsible manner.

To that end your diet during pregnancy needs to be a healthy one. You need to think about what is best for not only you, but also for your baby. Drinking is out, and so is smoking. You might also want to think about lessening the amount of coffee you consume and maybe even switch to something like an herbal tea that is suitable for pregnant women.

If that fills your head with dread, not to worry, there are other alternatives to living a coffee laden life, and your doctor will be better able to help you with that and with other food or drink substitutions you might need to make.

Your diet during pregnancy is very important and whatever suggestions that your doctor gives you should be looked into very seriously. Most of the time if you have been following a sensible eating plan, there will be very little that you need to change about your present diet.

If there is something however, like letting go of the smokes and the alcohol, you are better off following your doctor’s advice about your diet during pregnancy.

This might be the one time in your life where you feel that you are finally able to indulge yourself without feeling guilty about it – after all, you are “eating for two” – but indulge too much and you might find your weight gain spiraling through the roof instead of making a steady climb.

You will be advised by your doctor as to what a good weight gain is, and to that effect you should adjust accordingly your diet during pregnancy so that you gain weight sensibly. Otherwise you might find that after your have baby that the weight stubbornly refuses to come off, and you will have a harder time of it in the end.

This should be a time of joy for you, and your diet during pregnancy should make your life easier, not harder. The hard work will come later, when you have to stay up nights and soothe your crying baby.

Author's Sites: Herbal Remedies & Medicines ,Natural Beauty

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pregnacy Tips - Don't Think About Rapid Weght Loss

Rapid weight loss at any time is not considered to be good for anyone, but if you have only just had a baby, then it is the very last thing that you want to do. Rapid weight loss can lead to some very unpleasant conditions such as becoming hospital bound especially if you try it soon after having your baby.

If you do want to lose weight after having a baby, then your best bet is to first talk things over with your doctor. From him/ her you will be able to gain a good idea about what you need to do and when you need to do it, to lose weight in a healthy manner.

And this is the most important aspect of all, that you lose weight healthily. You can be sure that a rapid weight loss will not in any way whatsoever be healthy for you. Sure, there are people who do lose weight rapidly soon after having their baby, but these are for the most part women who have the means to be able to hire the best nutritionists, dieticians and fitness coaches to help them oversee their rapid weight loss.

Unless you have that kind of support structure going on, then the very last thing that you want to do is try for a rapid weight loss. You will not only be putting yourself at risk, but also your baby. How does that come about you ask?

Well, if you just think about it, you will be the one who is looking after your baby most of the time. This means that you will be carrying your baby among other things. What happens when your rapid weight loss makes you not as strong as you used to be, or what happens if you get fainting spells from the lack of proper nutrition due to your rapid weight loss? You can see where this is going, right?

Ask yourself what is more important to you at the moment, losing weight quickly, or losing weight slowly but healthily. This is a very important question that you need to ask yourself before things get out of hand.

On the other hand, it is entirely possible that a rapid weight loss on your part is due to a health problem rather than a conscious effort on your part to lose weight. If this is the case you might not notice things until you have lost a considerable amount of weight to begin with. Your first concern should be to consult with your doctor.

However, if you are looking at rapid weight loss as a means by which to regain your lost vigor, and fit and firm body, do think twice about it, or get the proper support structure in place before you venture down this avenue.

Author's Sites: Herbal Remedies & Medicines ,Natural Beauty

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Slimming Pills and Pregnancy

As we all know having the perfect looking figure is a myth that many of us try to follow. While looking like an hour glass shape is fine when we are in our early 20s, it becomes ridiculous not to mention dangerous when we become pregnant. While you will find lots of slimming pills out there you should be careful about using these when you are pregnant.

While many of the slimming pills on the market all claim to help you lose weight safely, they have been intended for people who are not pregnant. As a result of this unknown quantity you will not have any information about what these pills can do for you or your child.

For this reason the best type of slimming pills for a pregnant woman would be that of not taking any of these types of pills.

However if you still feel that losing weight is a needed option you should talk with your doctor to see how to accomplish this. The main thing to remember about weight loss during your time of pregnancy is that you will need to take some care about what you eat and how much you are eating. You will need to maintain a consistent weight loss, which might be a problem with slimming pills.

Once you have talked with your doctor about your weight loss plans you will be provided with a safe and thoroughly nutritious way of losing this weight. The end result is that you will not need to resort to using slimming pills.

To help you with getting a good figure during your pregnancy and after you can start using some sensible diets and gentle exercise programs instead of slimming pills. These are the tools which you have at your disposal to lose weight naturally.

By using these methods instead of slimming pills you can be sure that you will remain healthy right throughout your pregnancy. And when you are talking about being pregnant this method to losing weight can be seen as one of the best weight loss programs to follow. With the help of your doctor you can have an attractive figure without any worries to your child due to the use of slimming pills.

To see how you are faring during your pregnancy you should have your weight checked when you go for your doctor’s visit. If there is any significant weight gain or loss then you are in the right place to see what you can do to fix this problem without resorting to artificial methods like slimming pills.

Author's Sites: Herbal Remedies & Medicines ,Natural Beauty

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pain Relief During Childbirth

Giving birth is rightly regarded as an extremely uncomfortable and painful experience for many mothers, and while for some women labor goes quickly and relatively easily, for others it can turn into a real ordeal. Where our grandmothers had to go through the pain barrier more or less unaided, there are quite a few options available for todays pregnant women that can lessen or even completely remove the pain, allowing the joyfulness of giving birth a much greater chance to be appreciated.

- Birthing Pool

Being in water during the early stages of labor can greatly relieve the contraction pains in some women, as the bouyancy takes some of the pressure off the muscles of the lower back. Some women prefer to stay in the water right through to the later stages of labor, and some even choose to complete the birth in a birthing pool.

Birthing pools have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are seen as a natural way of reducing pain, in line with today's widespread preference for keeping things simple and as close to nature as possible.


A TENS machine is a small electronic device which you attach to your lower back with electrode pads. The machine passes a very slight electric current through the pads, which is intended to interfere with the pain signals, reducing the extent of the discomfort. The level of current can usually be increased during contractions, and then lowered back down as the pain subsides again. Some women find TENS machines to be highly effective, while for others the effect is minimal. The devices can usually be hired from the hospital, but are relatively cheap to buy yourself if you want to be sure that one will be available.

- Gas and Air

This is also known as entonox, and is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen that is breathed in via a pipe whenever the mother-to-be feels the need. It is a very light method of pain relief, and is enough on it's own for some women, especially in straightforward births. The effect is more of a distraction from the pain than an actual reduction, but doesn't feature the drawbacks of the two more heavy-duty pain relief drugs below.

- Epidural

An epidural is an injection of pain relief drugs direct into the lumbar region, and is extremely effective at blocking pain. The initial injection must be performed by a doctor, although the drug levels can then be subsequently topped up by the midwife for as long as it is required. Early epidurals also interfered with movement, and so the entire birth had to be carried out lying down, but more advanced versions of the drugs used now allow the mother to walk around a little to relieve discomfort.

- Pethidine

This is the strongest pain relief option available in most cases, and is extremely effective in stopping pain over a 3 to 4 hour period. Unlike an epidural, it can't be used indefinitely, and only two doses are usually allowed, meaning it is less than ideal for labors lasting longer than 8 hours or so. The drug can also pass through to the infant, in some cases delaying the start of breathing. Antidotes are, however, available should this occur.

Although the choice of which method of pain relief to use is usually left up to the mother, most midwives recommend starting with the less invasive choices such as TENS and gas and air, only moving up to drug treatments if necessary later on.

Simone writes for a parenting information site where you can read more about pregnancy and birth, plus advice on choosing baby products such as cots and cribs.

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Quick Weight Loss Plan and Pregnancy

For a pregnant woman the desire to lose weight quickly is something that all of us at one point or another has had to deal with. While a quick weight loss plan is generally accepted when you are not pregnant, you will need to think of other ways to lose unwanted weight during this period of time of pregnancy.

You can see what sort of quick weight loss plan your doctor will be able to recommend. You should understand that by giving into this urge you are making things difficult for yourself and for the baby.

To help provide the nutritional supplements that you need your doctor should have a dietary plan made. This plan should recommend some good foods which will provide you with the nutrition that you want. The addition of gentle exercises will also help you to lose weight. You should not expect to any quick weight loss plan to work without any risks being present.

When you look over your new diet and exercise regime which is part of the postpartum quick weight loss plan that your doctor has made for you, you should ask questions about the foods which are on this list. The types of exercise that you will be doing should be looked as too especially if you are not too sure about doing them in your current state of weight.

And while you may be tempted by a great looking evening dress to lose weight quickly, you should put both the dress and temptation for a quick weight loss aside. Apart from hurting yourself at this point you will soon have a dress that you can’t wear and one which will be out of style by the time that you have managed to lose the extra pounds.

Having put the aside the idea of a quick weight loss plan you will instead find that the exercise and the proper foods on the recommend plan are giving you the chance lose weight properly. So don’t worry about various people who are criticizing you to lose weight fast.

These people will have no idea of how a quick weight loss plan will derail your getting back into shape. By taking things slow you will be in a position where you can watch what you eat so that your postpartum quick weight loss plan will come to fruition. The best part about going about your quick weight loss plan in this manner is that you will soon have the shape that you have been dreaming of.

Author's Sites: Herbal Remedies & Medicines ,Natural Beauty

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fun Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy

Whether you just found out youre pregnant or youve known for a few months, announcing your pregnancy to family and friends can be a lot of fun. Some may want to wait until a certain time during their pregnancy, while others want to call everyone immediately after finding out themselves.

Telling The Father
Have a romantic dinner for two with candle lights, it may be your last time for a while, between morning sickness and raising your little one. Serve up baby carrots, baby back ribs and anything else you can think as baby. At the end, pour apple juice instead of wine and hand him a present. Inside you can have a tiny baby bib that says, I heart My Daddy
or a pair of baby booties.

If you cant tell the father right away because hes away on business, or deployed try sending him a care package. Inside the box place a few baby items, everything in blue and pink and a baby naming book in the center. Place a note on top of the book with, I need a name soon, Ill be here by June. Or whenever the baby is due.

You can also see how long it takes him to figure it out. Go to the dollar store and pick up a bunch of small baby items, a bib, rattle, bottle, booties, etc. For a week, leave an item laying around the house where he is bound to find them. At the end of the week if he hasnt figured it out yet, prepare the big gift. Have a large teddy bear sitting at the dinner table in the seat beside him, make sure there is a bib wrapped around him and maybe a sign that says Hi Daddy.

Telling Family and Friends
Show up to a family gathering wearing a shirt that announces your state. These days there are a ton of shirts out there with clever sayings, Baby on Board, A Bun in the Oven, or something related to the pregnancy. The moment you walk in or take off your jacket everyone will figure it out without you ever having to say a word. Now, get ready for the tears and excitement. Youll be answering a ton of questions.

If you already have children you may want to call the grandparents up and tell them that the next Christmas they may want to add one more to the list.

If this is the first grandchild, you may want to get a bracelet link for your mom that reads, #1 Grandma or grandparent t-shirts. This will not only be a great present for them but something they will cherish and love forever.

No matter when you spread the news it can be a lot of fun, just think creative and let the pieces fall. You may even want to try catching all of it on video, so think ahead and prepare for the BIG moment, and Im not meaning the birth.

Deon Melchior is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit Article Click is a free content article directory. You may reprint this article, as long as the article is unedited and this author box is included with it's live hyperlinks.

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Eating Right During Your Pregnancy

You already know it is important to eat a well-balanced diet, but it is even more important when you are pregnant. Keep in mind now you are eating for two. Whatever you eat, the baby eats as well. In fact the baby actually takes your nourishments so you must eat enough for both of you. The healthier you eat the better it is for the pregnancy and you.

Never miss a meal while you are pregnant, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and your baby has probably been waiting since he/she woke up in the middle of the night. You may learn that if you wait so long before eating you start to feel sick, this is your body telling you to eat. Do it!

Make sure you are getting enough of the food you need daily. It takes 4-6 servings of dairy a day for a healthy pregnancy, this can include some cheeses, milk, yogurt. This provides the baby with calcium which it’ll need to develop healthy growing bones. Adding extra calcium to your diet wouldn’t hurt you either, especially your teeth and bones.

Don’t forget about your fruit and vegetable servings. Lots of green is always a good choice, so are sweet potatoes. Not only will you be giving your body what it needs but you’ll start to have more energy. Try laying off the sweets for a week and replace them with healthier items and see how alive you feel.

Foods to Avoid
Not all foods are safe during your pregnancy, there are a few things you should avoid eating:

- unpasteurized products- brie

- Certain fish- exotic, shark, swordfish, anything high in mercury
- Raw eggs

- Undercooked meats- lunch meats. If you are buying a deli sandwich you can ask for them to eat the meat up a little.

- Caffeine- soda, chocolate. If you find this difficult you can wean yourself off, but the less caffeine in your system the better it is for the baby.

If you are ever unsure of the foods you can eat you can ask your doctor for a list of items to avoid during pregnancy. They’ll be more than happy to share this with you.

You may also learn that your stomach won’t handle certain foods that it would before. Some of those foods may include foods that contain grease, fast foods, meat, and certain foods that have a strong odor.

Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to cut out all the fun in your life, you can still treat yourself from time to time. Go out and get a frozen yogurt or a smoothie.

While you are making sure you get enough to eat throughout the day, that doesn’t mean neglect your fluid intake. You’ll need lots of water and juices from here on out. The baby will thank you later. Who knows, you may discover that you really enjoy eating healthier and continue it even after the pregnancy.

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Breastfeeding While Pregnant

Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop breastfeeding your child. Long ago doctors believed it actually took nutrients away from the baby inside you, however that is not the case. Even today we have people that believe this and they will argue with you the entire time. Only you can decide if you should stop breastfeeding your toddler or not. Don’t let someone else make that decision for you.

Reasons to Stop
A few reasons you might want to stop breastfeeding may be if you are feeling constantly drained of energy. Or maybe your child has started to bite. Sometimes your milk will just dry up, this is your body’s way of telling you that it has had enough and to take a break. Mastitis could play a big role in making you stop immediately as well. Mastitis is an infection in the breast when it isn’t expressed enough and gets engorged.

Stopping or Weaning
If you do plan on stopping because you are pregnant, make sure it is for the right reasons. If your child has reached a certain age, it might be best. But never just yank it away from them. Your child could wonder why it is being taken away. Wonder if they had done something or become discouraged about the new baby coming. Some children decide to wean themselves, which is a big help to you and you won’t feel so guilty about it. You can choose to do it cold turkey, or slowly wean him/her off. Cold turkey can have some bad results. Try limiting his/her feeding times to certain hours and gradually as time passes take away more. Your child will quickly stop on his/her own and it won’t be a traumatic event.

Continuing to Feed
If you do plan on continuing to breastfeed while you are pregnant, talk with your doctor about it. Not all the time will the doctor agree with your decision. Sometimes he/she may see something in your health that you don’t. Listen carefully and find out if it is a health reason or simply his/her own belief. If it is the doctors belief, you can always seek out one that agrees with you. Being pregnant is hard enough at times, knowing you have someone in your corner will only relieve the stress. Don’t be surprised if your family and friends want to say something about it and they will probably give you all kind of advice on how to stop and what they’ve read. Nicely explain to them it is your decision and you’ll do what you think is best for your children. Try finding a support group in your area so you have someone to vent to or talk about these issues. Check out if there is a La Leche League near you or online that you can join.

Remember that as long as you take proper care of yourself and your body, you’ll be able to safely breastfeed while pregnant.

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Morning Sickness : Causes and Cures

Morning sickness is often the first sign of pregnancy, as it can start as early as 2 weeks after conception. Despite the name, the sufferer can feel ill at any time of the day, although as an empty stomach is thought to be one of the triggers then mornings are a common time for it to appear.

Not every pregnant woman will experience morning sickness, although most do to some degree, and it can vary from a feeling of mild nausea or queasiness ranging up to feeling truly dreadful and unable to keep any food or liquids down. The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness.

It's not known exactly what causes it, but most doctors agree that the changes in hormone levels that pregnancy triggers are the most major factor. One of the effects of these hormones is to change the way your digestive system works, which can lead to higher levels of acid.

Another possible cause is that many women experience a heightened sense of taste and smell while pregnant, which can make nausea feel worse when unpleasant or strong odours are around.

Finally, tiredness and stress play a part, and most pregnant women are tired and stressed a lot of the time!

Morning sickness can occur over the full range of your pregnancy, but most women find that it more or less disappears by around 14 weeks as hormone levels in the body stabilise.

There are dozens and dozens of traditional 'cures' for the feelings of nausea, with every mother having an opinion on the subject! The fact is that every woman's body is different and so no single thing will work for everyone. However, there are some simple things to try which can help most feel better.

As previously mentioned, an empty stomach can be a cause, so snack little and often to keep hunger at bay, and keep a couple of biscuits by your bed for if you wake up during the night.

Sucking on an ice cube can help, as can fizzy drinks. Fresh ginger is reputed to calm the stomach, so making a tea from crushed root ginger or even chewing on a piece can be worth a try.

Remedies for travel sickness can also help, so it might be worth trying the magnetic wristbands you can buy, but you should never take any medication while pregnant without consulting your doctor.

Morning sickness is a natural part of pregnancy and will not harm your baby in any way, but in severe cases you may be unable to keep any food or fluids down and if this continues you could become dehydrated, which is very dangerous for your baby. If your urine starts to become very dark in colour this is a sign that your fluid levels are too low, and you should speak to your midwife or doctor.

Finally, when you're in a bout of morning sickness, don't worry too much about what you're eating - getting enough energy is more important than a balanced diet at that moment, so if chocolate makes you feel better then go for it! You can always stock up on healthier foods when the sickness has abated a little.

Simone is a contributor to a Parenting Guide web site where you can read more on aspects of pregnancy and babies, including a more detailed morning sickness article and information on pain relief in childbirth.

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Breast Feeding Tips and Guidelines

Breastfeeding has many advantages for both the baby and the mother. There are many substances in breast milk that can’t be found in cow’s milk. More so, there are fewer complications associated with breast milk than with cow’s milk.

It has been advertised time and again that it is best for the babies if they are breastfed for the first six months even up to two years. So why is breast milk so beneficial for the baby? First of all, only breast milk contains colostrums which are essential for the baby to take. Commercially-made milks cannot simulate the colostrums made by a mother. The colostrums contain natural antibodies and immune globulins that are responsible for keeping the baby free from illness for the first few months of its life.

Another advantage breast milk has over cow’s milk is that it allows the mother to save as cow’s milk can be expensive. The baby can better adapt to breast milk. Their feces are not smelly and they don’t have any difficulty defecating compared to cow’s milk. Breastfeeding has also been approved to be one of the family planning methods that a family can observe.

Since breastfeeding has been given so much importance, many women have been made aware. However, despite the awareness, many mothers still report of breast problems associated with lactation. These problems are most often than not, associated with improper breast feeding techniques. In order to lower down the incidence of breast related problems due to lactation, it is important that mothers observe the proper techniques of breast feeding. Ultimately, both the mother as well as the baby will benefit from the proper observance of these techniques.

First of all, you need to prepare your breast for milk-production. There are various nipple exercises to perform in order to prepare your nipple to deliver the breast milk to your baby. One of these exercises would involve routinely pinching the nipple.

Second and what most mothers fail to realize is how to keep the nipple clean before the baby latches on to it for feeding. When you plan to breast feed, you should avoid using soap on your nipple. If this cannot be avoided, your nipple should be wiped using a soft cloth soaked in clean water to make sure your nipple is clean before your baby feeds from it.

Third and perhaps the most important step is to allow your baby to properly latch on to your nipple. You will know when your baby is latched on properly when your baby’s mouth covers the entire areola and not just the nipples. It is essential that your baby should latch on properly so that he or she can properly stimulate the “let-down reflex” of your breasts wherein the milk will go down the ducts and out your nipple.

To aid your baby in latching on properly, you should make use of their rooting reflex. This is manifested in the first few months of life. You stimulate your baby’s cheek, near their mouth using your nipple and their head will automatically turn towards the stimulation. Their mouth will open and be ready for receiving your nipple. Once you’re done, you can aid your baby to stop latching on by inserting a clean pinky finger into the side of their mouth and propping it slightly open. Your baby will stop sucking and you can remove your nipple.

To prevent sore nipples and breast engorgement you have to monitor the amount of time your baby sucks with each nipple. It is usually advisable to spend 10-15 minutes each breast to make sure that the breasts are completely emptied of milk. This will prevent breast engorgement. The next time your baby feeds on your breast, let your baby feed from the last breast he or she fed on. This will completely empty the milk on that breast before you move on to the other breast.

Written by Janice Mallard M.D, expert on Breast Feeding and Pregnancy Symptoms.

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Are Salon Treatments Safe During Pregnancy?

There is nothing like a new haircut or hair color, or pedicure and manicure to make you feel like a new woman. Especially when a pregnancy can leave you feeling tired and changing hormones can make you feel not quite yourself. But are these treatments safe for your developing baby? Exposure to certain environmental agents called teratogens during pregnancy can cause birth defects. Experts are divided on how much exposure is too much but at this time there are no proven risks for most salon visits and there are many things you can do to help minimize any potential problems.


Reducing your exposure to fumes is the most important thing you can do when getting a manicure. Ask your manicurist to do your nails in a well ventilated area and ask her to tightly cap all solvent bottles. Your nail polish should be formaldehyde and toluene free if possible. There is a small risk of blood-borne infections such as HIV or hepatitis being transferred by non-sterile equipment through nicks in the cuticle. When getting acrylic nails, make sure your nail technician is careful about minimizing the skin contact with the liquids used. Be most careful when in the first trimester.


Pedicure massages, especially when focused on reflex points on the feet can trigger labor. Avoid any kind of foot massage during the first trimester. Also avoid ankle massages even during the second and third trimester. Blood clots are six times more common in pregnant women. Foot and leg massages can dislodge clots if the pressure of the massage is too deep. The temperature of your foot bath should not be too hot. Again, your polish should be formaldehyde and toluene free if possible.

Essential Oils

Some essential oils known as emmenagogues can encourage menstruation and should be avoided during the first trimester. Make sure your pedicure technician knows which herbal oils are safe.

Hair Dye

Experts disagree on how much dye may be absorbed by the body and there are many doctors who think it’s perfectly fine to get your hair dyed during pregnancy. You might want to be on the safe side and just get your hair frosted, highlighted or streaked where there is minimal contact with your scalp. Be wary of natural dyes that can still contain synthetic chemicals. Pure vegetable henna can be an alternative but not everybody will want a red-orange hue. If you do choose to have your hair dyed, be aware that changing hormones can affect the way the dye affects your hair color.

Tanning Beds

You should definitely pass on this salon treatment. Excessive heat exposure is dangerous for your pregnancy and over exposure to UV light can interfere with your immune system.
There are salons and day spas that cater exclusively to pregnant women. For peace of mind, you may want to find a salon that understands your special needs during your pregnancy.

About Author:
Cyndra Neal answers questions every day from moms who are searching for relief for their babies with reflux and colic. She has written several articles on family issues such as dealing with colicky babies.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Breast Milk Helps Mental Development In Premature Babies

Study after study clearly demonstrates the importance and benefits of breastfeeding. Now, a recent study shows that premature babies who are fed their mother's breast milk show better mental development than those who aren't.

Many premature babies are not routinely fed their mother's milk and are instead fed infant formula. However, a recent study now stresses the importance of breast milk for preterm babies and urges that all premature babies should be fed theirs mother's milk when at all possible.

The study presented its report to the American Academy of Pediatrics. The study involved 773 premature babies who were born extremely underweight - less than 1kg (2.2 lbs) - Between 1999 and 2002.

The mental development was noted in infants who were fed breast milk and those that were fed infant formula. At age 30 months, an intelligence test was conducted on all babies. It found that the average mental development in those that were fed their mother's milk was more advanced than those that weren't.

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development backed the study and Dr. Duane Alexander stated that: "These findings strongly suggest that, whenever possible, preterm infants should routinely be given breast milk during their stay in the intensive care unit".

Another study backs up these findings. It found that preterm babies who were tube-fed breast milk had IQS 8 points higher than those that were fed infant formula.

Mother's milk contains DHA (docosohexaenoic acid) and AA (arachidonic acid) which are known to contribute to brain and retinal development. Also, Nature has seen to it that the milk a mother produces for a premature baby is different than one delivered at full term. Among other things, premature breast milk contains higher levels of Necrotizing Enterocolitis, which helps to prevent serious inflammation of the bowels.

It is also believed that premature babies who suckle at the breast suffer less from stress, which in turn leads to a reduction of other physical ailments.

Premature babies that are fed their mother's breast milk leave the incubator sooner than those fed infant formula.

Breast milk is a wonderful, organic and intelligent food; it constantly changes through the months and years of a child's life - its constituency changes throughout the day and even during the feed itself. It changes in order to deliver the correct dosage of nutrients a growing child needs. It is by far the best way for a mother to not only nourish but protect her child.

Until recently, breastfeeding was often overlooked with premature babies. Now more studies are showing just how vital preterm babies are fed their mother's milk. Not only can it significantly increase the development of the child, it can even make the difference between life and death.

Robin O'Brien is founder of Breastfeeding, and offers breastfeeding tips on everything from breastfeeding and alcohol to a review of the Medela nursing bra.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Teenagers Pregnancy and Abortion Problem

In a teenagers life when the start the enjoy the life and special events, the pregnancy is a very big problem in there life. The teenagers pregnancy is very big problem of the world mostly the develop contary.when the teenagers are coming out to the pregnant then the abortion is the simple solution of this issues. The abortion is a process to dead the pregnant child before his broth. But the abortion is the bad, because in a abortion the innocent life is got the dead. Teenage pregnancy is technically defined as occurring when women under the age of 20 become pregnant, although in the India and other country of the world like as USA and other develop country, the term usually refers to girls younger than 18 years of age. God is creating of all things for every life. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist And it is He that has ordained life as sacred.

Pregnant teenagers face many of the same obstetrics issues as women in their 20s and 30s. However, there are additional medical concerns for younger mothers, particularly those under 15 and those living in developing countries. For mothers between 15 and 19, age in itself is not a risk factor, but additional risks may be associated with social factors. Teen pregnancy as a social issue in developed countries include lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty, and other poorer "life outcomes" in children of teenage mothers.

Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social stigma in many communities and cultures. For these reasons, there have been many studies and campaigns which attempt to uncover the causes and limit the numbers of teenage pregnancies. To the prevent the teenagers pregnancy and abortion case, firstly we can give the sex education of teenagers, and full knowledge of sexual-relation and pregnancy, also In the areas where the education level is very low.

An abortion before the twelfth week, teens with unwanted pregnancies hurriedly take drastic measures to fix a problem. But, the problem, according to teen abortion facts, does not go away after a pregnancy is terminated. And for some, the problem is only beginning. A disorder called Post Traumatic Stress is plaguing millions of teenagers who are not psychologically stable enough to cope with the trauma associated with an unplanned pregnancy, life-altering decisions, and the destruction of life. After the surgery, guilt, shame, erratic behaviors, and substance abuse, even suicide, can result. And, at the center of those teens that self report issues, is the fear of being held accountable to God. All major decisions such as this should consider for a while before any life changing and irreversible changes take place.It is important to understand all options and be able to make a confident decision based on facts and personal feelings.

Teenage fatherhood can also be a challenge. Many feel obliged to support their child, but due to the low levels of state benefits awarded to such couples, in addition to the low quantity of money that they often earn due to their age, are unable to do so fully. Another addition is that being a teenage father is sometimes looked down upon by society and peers. Teen abortion is a decision that will impact your life dramatically, whether you decide to abort or decide to give birth. People you know will choose to support your decision or condemn your decision, but this is your decision and you will live with the choice you make for the rest of your life.

Teen abortion has many risks. Studies have proven that abortion may lead to an increased chance of breast cancer, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, depression, and the contraction of Viral Hepatitis, not to mention death due to excessive bleeding or other complications. Whether you choose to keep your baby, put it up for adoption or have an abortion, hormones run crazy when you are pregnant. Hormones are to blame for the drastic mood swings pregnant women have during pregnancy. As you feel the life inside you start to grow, you will become attached to, or perhaps even angry at, this new life.

This life is exactly that - he or she is alive and it is a part of you. Teen abortion will affect you well into the future. Initially, you will feel cramping as the excess blood is discharging from your body similar, but not as strong as, the pains felt during labor and delivery. This physical effect may cause you to feel an emotional emptiness you have never felt before. This emptiness is the beginning of depression that studies say can last a lifetime.

Caryel Digosta is a high profile health consultant and provide you latest information about health care Pregnancy and what you can do for your health. Read more on Teenage Pregnancy.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Birth Announcements Wording Ideas, Birth Cards Verses & Sayings for Baby Announcements

Birth Announcements Wording Ideas, Birth Cards Verses & Sayings for Baby Announcements by Sarah Porter

Looking for Birth Announcements Wordings Ideas, Baby Announcements Wording Verses & Pregnancy Announcements Sayings

Parents can use children’s books, baby announcement websites and their personalities to inspire fun and precious birth announcement wording ideas. The unique baby announcement wording verses should be cute and can really show the personality of the family. Sayings for birth cards can come from anywhere: children books, friends, the toy store, websites, TV, etc.

If the parents have already put together the nursery with a theme, they might make a list of baby announcements wording ideas based on that theme. Many birth announcements sayings come from searching for the right birth announcement on the internet. Parents should remember that baby announcements sayings can be long or short. Photo birth announcement verses are usually on the shorter side, just because recipients will focus on the baby picture more than the words.

If the parents have a good sense of humor, they might want to find birth announcement wording ideas similar with their humor. Being funny does not detract from the wonderful reason for the baby announcement itself. Culture or ethnicity can also be incorporated into birth announcement wordings. If the family has a special saying, they may want to use that as a baby announcements verses.

Sometimes a baby picture might help the parents find just the right photo sayings for birth announcements. If they find just the right shot of the baby’s toes, there are sayings that just might be appropriate for that picture! If the parents find a good photo birth announcement verse before the baby is born, they should plan on taking many baby pictures to get the right photo. Most babies are very photogenic so getting the right shot for photo birth announcements should not be difficult!

Many website selling announcement allow parents add their own baby announcements wording verses and photo birth announcement sayings. If the parents do have something very special and unique to say, they should look for those options in the announcements. You can always use come of the websites suggested wordings, or an idea from several samples to get it just as you wants. Look into this before the baby is born. Parents should not waste much time after the baby is born looking for birth announcement wording ideas, verses or sayings.

Whether parents choose a photo birth announcement saying or other baby announcement wording verses, they should be sure to receive a proof of the card before the company prints all of their announcements with the baby announcement wording verses. If baby verses are too long or otherwise don’t fit on the card, parents may want to look for other birth announcement wording ideas. While searching for just the right wording for your announcements, don’t forget to look for cute birth announcements thank you cards wording ideas and baby thank you cards wording verses and sayings.

About the Author: Sarah Porter is Author of several articles including About Birth Announcements Wording Verses, Ideas and Sayings, Birth Announcements Wording Ideas and more.

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Stretch Mark Information and Solutions

Stretch marks (or striae as they are referred to in dermatological terms) are caused when an individual's skin is stretched too quickly: More accurately, the skin is torn rather than stretched. They are most common around the stomach area, breasts, thighs and hips. Both men and woman can suffer from them and they affect the majority of the adult population. Fortunately, for all of us, they pose no health risks and are simply a cosmetic concern. Of course, these concerns grow in the warmer seasons as the amount of our bodies we show, increases.

This stretching occurs when the body grows at a rate that the skin cannot keep up with. They are most commonly associated with pregnancy but are also a normal part of puberty: Body building or quick weight gain can also result in stretch marks.

Although the skin is usually fairly elastic, when it is overstretched, the normal production of collagen is disrupted. It is this collagen which keeps skin tight and supple. There are several external factors which affect the skins natural ability to produce and maintain collagen levels such as a persons diet and smoking.

These collagen levels also affect the appearance of wrinkles and lines in the face. They also largely dictate how other blemishes, such as acne scars, heal.

When they first form, stretch marks appear as reddish purple lines. They appear indented and maintain a different texture to the surrounding skin. Over time, the discoloration does subside, turning lighter and less noticeable. The ability to heal however does vary considerably from individual to individual.

There are several methods of tackling problem stretch marks. These vary widely in both cost and effectiveness. They range from simple solutions such as creams and lotions, up to more extreme and expensive methods such as laser surgery.

What all these solutions have in common are that they assist, in one manner or another, the body’s own natural ability to heal itself. The skin is the largest organ in our body and anyone who has ever cut or scraped themselves, would have seen how it heals itself. Our natural defensive mechanisms are indeed one of the most wonderful things in nature.

Where our bodies do fall short, is that these natural defences do not account for our ongoing desire for aesthetics and looking good. It is here that nature needs a little helping hand. Fundamentally, to overcome this problem, we need to promote what happens in our bodies naturally, but stops once the body deems itself healed. By effectively extending the healing process, we can “trick” the body into healing itself too much - This way it may look and feels as though no physical trauma ever occurred.

Learn more about stretch marks - causes and removal at We offer an amazing product that can help to remove stretch marks, wrinkles and scars quickly and easily.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Prenatal Care

Being pregnant is the prerogative of a lady and you must think yourself privileged to the beautiful gift you are about to receive. If it is your first time, apprehensions prevail every moment, but if you have already delivered a baby then you must be at ease with yourself. However care taken is important before and after the baby is born.

Care taken during the pregnancy is known as prenatal care. As soon as you know you are pregnant, you should visit the doctor so that proper medication can begin. The doctor will make you see them at regular intervals.

During the first trimesters, your doctor will call you once every month. At the second trimester the visits increase to once every 2 weeks and then weekly right up to the delivery date. You must keep your appointments even though you are feeling fine as you do not know what is going on inside you.

The doctor basically checks for medical conditions like blood pressure. If there are any problems with the baby and of course the health of the mother. The main focus during prenatal care is to monitor the health of the baby and the mother.

Consuming the right quantity of vitamins, iron, collates and proteins is very important. If you are an absolute vegetarian make sure you are taking in proteins or protein milks. Request the doctor to draw out a chart for the dos and don’ts you are expected to follow with regard to food. Also there are few pointers to follow in everyday lifestyle like not picking up too much of weight, no cardio or heavy exercises. 8 hours of sleep is a must and a little exercise is necessary else you tend to get lethargic.

During pregnancy there are a few discomforts that you may experience as your body is getting adapted to a new life within you. Constipation, nausea, heartburn get a bit regular as your intake in food is not proportionate or they are just there. Whatever you do, will not chase them away. Eating in small quantities the entire day helps. Also avoid spicy, deep fried and tough food.

Fatigue is another regular discomfort. You feel extremely tired and exhausted. Headaches occur as you are not comfortable with some pains and anxiety leads to high blood pressure.

In some women there are more discomforts while in others there are less or in varied proportions. Hence you cannot generalize the problem. Do hot believe in heresy and ask your doctor before you take somebody’s advice. Being happy and relaxed at all times help you have a peaceful prenatal and postnatal journey.

If you are searching an unique name for your baby please visit our website on Filipino baby names and Telugu baby names.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Baby care and feeding

Welcome to motherhood. It is a sense of pride and privilege for you to have a bundle of joy in your arms. Those nine months are over, but here begins a new journey for you and your baby. If it is your first time, make sure you have all your questions answered. Do not feel embarrassed or wonder what you should ask or if complain about a pain. Give it out whatever it is.

Care taken during pregnancy is known as prenatal care. Once you know you are pregnant consult a doctor immediately. The prenatal care advice is given by the doctor, midwife or the consultant. Once you know you are pregnant consult the doctor immediately so that the right medication begins.

Make sure you attend all the classes structured for your prenatal visits, even at the time when you are feeling fine. Because it is very important to know your internal condition and the growth of the baby. When you are pregnant you will experience constipation, morning nausea, headaches, heartburn and stretch marks. Frequent urination also occurs as there is tremendous pressure on the bladder by the uterus. Even though the bladder is empty the pressure causes the feeling of urination. Do not control yourself, give in whenever you feel like urinating.

Once the baby is delivered it is the decision of the parents to breastfeed or bottle feed. Make a choice to benefit the baby and you. It is observed that those who breastfeed, their babies have less risk for developing diarrhoea, asthma, diabetes, allergies, respiratory infections and leukaemia. To the mother, breastfeeding helps in faster recovery, faster reduction of weight and reduces the risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.

Before you feed your baby look for signs telling you that your baby is hungry. Mouth wide open like a yawn with the tongue sticking a bit out, constant flutter in the eyes even though they are closed, lip smacking are a few of the signs telling you the baby is hungry. Crying is a later indication when the baby is a bit older. When your baby cries it is very important to calm him or her down and then feed.

It is important to burp your baby when feeding is done. Often air goes in as the baby is feeding and hence it is important to remove the air out. You can keep the baby over the shoulder and pat the back slowly. You can also keep the baby in a sitting position and support him or her with your hand and pat the back is another way. If your baby does not burp you can continue feeding. But always consult your doctor before you make your own remedies.

You can check out our website on nursery rhymes to teach your child. If you are looking for names for your baby you can visit our website on Filipino baby names or learn the common new baby sayings.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cramps, Bleeding, Abdominal Pain, A Pregnant Nightmare

It is cumbersome pelvic, sometimes very acute pain at the pubis when the woman looks forward for example, or it makes certain movements. Sometimes, it also suffers from back pain, gluteal, sciatica (behind the thigh), which hinder the walk. They are usually due and to distensions ligament, especially those ligaments of the uterus due to its increasing volume, to inconvenient and painful they are, these pains are not serious.

Bleeding and cramping can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy also known as implantation bleeding and may not be a sign of problems. This type of bleeding is usually a bit earlier, spottier and lighter in color than a normal period and doesn't last as long and they are normal pregnancy symptoms that can occur anywhere from 6-12 days after possible conception.

Here is a quick list of this symptoms:

The muscle cramps

Mainly located in the lower limbs, they are more frequent during pregnancy. They are harmless without gravity.

The joint pain

The pain of all kinds can also occur late in pregnancy, they disappear after delivery.

The back pain and backache

The back pain may occur sooner and increase considerably after the sixth month. They grow depending on the number of pregnancies and age. They are due to both the hyper lordosis, the overload disc and ligament tensions.

They enjoy the rest lying, epidurals infiltration of steroids, rather than anti-inflammatories which are against-listed in the first 3 months of pregnancy and low recommended in recent months.

Quick Solution

Back pain can be improved by massage and physiotherapy, and gymnastics can be a useful adjunct.

Be Careful!

Heavy bleeding with back pain can be a symptom of miscarriage and several other problems like molar pregnancies, ectopic pregnancies and should always be reported to your doctor, this is a critical period for your pregnancy and you should be careful.

Learn more information on Early Pregnancy Symptoms and check my blog about Getting pregnant fast and Pregnant cramps general information.

Family Planning – What Dads and Moms Need to Know

If you are about to start a family with your spouse, you will often hear about "family planning". But what really does it mean? Family planning is often understood as prevention of pregnancy. However, it is more than just that.

What Family Planning Really Means

Family planning refers to:

• Deciding how many children you will have

• Planning when to have a child and the time interval between children

• Selecting suitable birth control methods to prevent pregnancy

What Family Planning Does NOT Mean

Due to lack of information on family planning, many couples may make decisions that can haunt them for life. Here is what you should know about family planning:

Family Planning is NOT a one-man show

Family planning is a joint decision between the husband and wife. It is important to make informed decisions based on your as well as your spouse's needs. For this, couples should work toward developing an open communication channel between both partners with consideration for each other's feelings and desires.

• Talk about your desires and aspirations.

• Listen to your partner to understand his or her needs.

• Build trust by respecting your partner's feelings and accepting differences in opinion.

It is also important to speak to a family planning counselor who can guide you and your spouse through the various birth control options available and help you evaluate the pros and cons of each.

Family planning decisions are NOT universal

Each couple is different and has different needs. What may be right for you may not be right for another couple. Your family planning decisions may depend on several factors, including personal finances, health issues, and the time you and your spouse can devote for your future children.

Family planning is NOT only about abstinence

One reason many couples opt out of family planning is because they believe it involves refraining from sex. While abstinence is one of the best birth control methods, there are many other options that you can use and still enjoy a satisfying sex life.

Here are some common birth control methods and their effectiveness (according to the Family Planning Council).

• Condoms (for males and females) : 86% – 97% for male condoms / 79% – 95% for female condoms

• Diaphragm : 80% – 94% during first year of use

• Emergency contraceptive pills : 74% – 89%

• Injections (Depo-Provera) : 99%

• Oral contraceptive pills : 95% – 99%

• Contraceptive implants (Implanon) : 95%

• Contraceptive rings (NuvaRing) : 99%

• Contraceptive patches (Ortho Evra) : 95% – 99%

• Intrauterine devices : 98% – 99%

• Cervical caps : 60% – 90%

• Female sterilization : 99%

• Vasectomy (male sterilization) : 99%

• Synthetic hormones (Norplant) : 95% – 99%

• Vaginal spermicides : 50% – 95%

• Withdrawal : 4% – 19%

Remember, each of the above birth control methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the methods are irreversible and may prevent pregnancy forever. Carefully research your options well and speak to a medical expert before you make the final decision.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

8 Top Early Pregnancy Symptoms

If you and your spouse have been trying for a baby, you may wonder about the earliest signals that will announce a pregnancy. While some women experience early symptoms that indicate pregnancy, others suspect it only when they realize that they have missed their periods.

For those impatient aspiring dads who can't wait longer to find out, here are the eight top early pregnancy symptoms that they should look out for:

Darkening of the nipples

Darkening of the nipples, or more precisely the skin around the nipples (called areola), could be one of the early pregnancy symptoms. However, it could also be a sign of hormonal imbalance, so hold on before you jump to the wrong conclusions.

Odd food cravings

A sudden and inexplicable craving for certain foods is another potential, though not always reliable, sign of pregnancy. So if you find your spouse midnight snacking on a chili cheeseburger for the nth time this week, you have good reason to keep your fingers crossed.

Headache or dizzy spells

Pregnancy will cause hormonal changes in your spouse's body that may lead to headaches. A sudden onset of headaches, especially if she never had them before, could be an early pregnancy symptom. Bouts of dizziness, due to a drop in her blood pressure, may be another early sign that she is expecting.

Urge to urinate

During pregnancy, your spouse's body will release the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that induces increased urination. Her frequent bathroom visits may actually be something to be happy about.

Cranky moods

Frequent mood swings and crankiness are yet another early pregnancy symptom, as you will soon find out. While this may not be the happiest part of the pregnancy stages where you are concerned, at least you can blame it on those raging hormones.

Swollen breasts

If your spouse complains that her breasts seem sore or tender when touched, that's another sign that you may soon become a dad.


Nausea and vomiting, starting few weeks after conception or even earlier, may be one of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy. The popular term 'morning sickness' is a misnomer though, as the symptoms are felt pretty much throughout the day.

Missed periods

A missed period, especially if your spouse is generally regular with them, may be a very likely indication of pregnancy. However, only a pregnancy test will confirm this for sure

Friday, May 2, 2008

Beware Of After Pregnancy Emotions

Pregnant women generally suffer from anxiety and tension. They have endless questions in their mind. Some of the questions they do ask their doctors and some are too personal; these keep hovering in their mind endlessly.

Sleepless nights are common. Queries about their body, especially about the baby trouble them now and then to such an extent that they end up panic-stricken. Putting up with morning sickness and associated pregnancy problems for nine months, and then going through painful delivery- women get simply drained out of their energy and patience. Loving and caring the new born is said to come naturally to the mothers. But in certain cases new mothers fail to get stabilized with the changes in their life.

The major problem - post pregnancy response

You must realize that a new life has come to the earth and you have been an active participant in creating it. Your child is incapable of doing thing on its own. It needs your milk but most importantly it requires your warmth and affection. This world of brightness is alien to the little one. It begs for your generous guidance to live on. Its present surrounding is diametrically opposite to the dark and cozy chamber of your womb. Do not indulge in too much of thoughtfulness. Socialize to divert your mind from disturbing reflections. In several cases it is seen that due to post pregnancy response relationships get a jolt.

Never vent out your confused anger on your family members. Your irritation can even sprout out when your family members start getting involved with your child. Control yourself; all they do is simple playing with the new arrived bundle of joy. Continue having those friendly conversations with your husband. Pamper your child but do not, under any circumstance, make your husband feel left out. A peaceful family is all that your child demands from you.

Aaron Nimocks is a frequent blogger at Pregnancy Hut and has written a guide on 21 weeks pregnant and 22 weeks pregnant.

Tips on Skin Care during Pregnancy

The wonderful news of pregnancy begins smile to your face. To be mothers, remember, from that very moment your skin responds to the gradual changes occurring inside your body. These transformations take place due to the various changes in hormone secretion. Pregnancy might results in the excess secretion of androgen. Thus pregnant women tend to develop oily skin.

Keep in mind

The skin problem that you are to confront during the crucial nine months must not be treated with the usual acne medicines. Consult a dermatologist who can prescribe you the ways to take care of your skin.

Things to be done in case of oily skin

Pregnant mother should ensure that the cosmetics that they chose to use must not contain vitamin a preparations. At the same time, they must make it a point of avoiding antibiotics at large. It has been noticed that both kinds of medicines cause birth related problems. Use moisturizers and cleansers whose labels specifically indicate that they are noncomedogenic. Do not use chemical exfoliants. These may contains certain acidic ingredients that may bring complications, especially in your first trimester. Avoid using moisturizing soaps; instead use gentle non drying cleansers. Apply sun block creams and natural masks to keep the skin pores clean and open.

Things to be done in case of dry skin

Women who complain of having dry skin may have to face more problems during their pregnancy. Dry skin gets aggravated during pregnancy because your body fluids and water present in your blood are in high demand. Your growing child needs them for nourishment. Your only weapon is water. Therefore drink ample of water. You can use moisturizers and sun block creams to revitalize your skin. Do not bathe with too much of water. Take short showers with lukewarm water. You must also keep your rooms humidified.

Aaron Nimocks is a frequent blogger at Pregnancy Hut and has written a guide on 19 weeks pregnant and 20 weeks pregnant.

Disorders that can occur during your pregnancy

The nine months of your life are crucial; it launches a new episode of your life. Therefore you must act seriously enough to cut down on unhealthy food habits. Most importantly you must make yourself aware of the different disorders that might occur. If precautions are not taken at the proper time, these can lead to complications and even unfortunate miscarriages.

Say No to Alcohol and Drugs

Consumption of alcohol during this period of nine months is risky. Alcohol is said to cause several birth defects. You must be aware of the different medicines you take; for certain antibiotics can have adverse effects on your body and especially on the developing fetus. You must stop smoking cigarettes and relying on drugs for temporary satisfaction. These can terminate pregnancy and also lead to birth defects.

Common Disorders

Disorders that are likely to occur during your pregnancy are anemia, thomboembolic disease and several urinary tract infections. The common symptom of these disorders is high fever.

Fever might seem to be a less harmful term but for a pregnant woman it might pose as a serious threat. If you feel feverish during the first trimester, act spontaneously. This is because fever as high as 103°F not only enhances the chances of miscarriages but may also affect the fetuses developing brain and spinal cord. Fever at the advanced stages of your pregnancy may cause irregular labor pain. German measles, viral infections like mumps, jaundice, chicken pox, protozoan infections and bacterial infections in the vagina may have dire effects on the fetus. On the other hand, thomboembolic disease of blood clotting may cause fateful injuries at the time of the birth of your child. Anemia is a common problem in pregnant women. Anemia may make the mother to be extremely tired, gasping for breath at times. It can also make her feel light-headed. It is therefore advisable, that you keep in touch with your doctor, and go for check up regularly for the safety of your child and of course for yourself.

Aaron Nimocks is a frequent blogger at Pregnancy Hut and has written a guide on 17 weeks pregnant and 18 weeks pregnant.

Tips before planning a baby

It seems to be one of the lovely moments of your life when you would give birth to your child. So before planning to have a baby does make sure that you are perfectly fit to conceive that life. Make a note on your mind that you can bring a healthy baby to this world if you are healthy.

First few months are very crucial for your baby's growth, as that time organs of the baby's body start growing. So if you can plan then it could help you to;

Conceive your baby more quickly

You can have a healthier pregnancy

Least amount of complications can be faced

You can be a mother of healthy baby

You can regain yourself quickly after giving birth

Post pregnancy experience will be sound enough

You can reduce health hazards of you child in near future.

So these are the tips, which you can handle before getting pregnant. In other way you can call it as inside planning pregnancy, which is very much essential.

Food habits- if you are planning for pregnancy then try to change your food habits. Avoid eating junk food. Eat food rich in mineral and protein rich constituent. Take vitamins if it is needed. Make a chart what to eat and what not.

Body making-make your body fit to carry a new life.

Avoid taking drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other things, which could affect your pregnancy.

If you are infertile then try to consult a doctor so that you can get treatment before it is too late.

Take dental care, as it is very important during the time of pregnancy, so goes for dental check up.

If you have hormonal problems then try to solve it. Any disorder can cause if effect to your baby.

Try to avoid emotions and stress by taking up any kind of stress management programs.

Maintain regular workouts to keep yourself fit to carry you healthy baby.

If you need genetic counseling and testing then you should have it before conceiving.

Last but not the least you have to maintain a good relation with your partner to conceive a baby.

Aaron Nimocks is a frequent blogger at Pregnancy Hut and has written a guide on 15 weeks pregnant and 16 weeks pregnant

Tips for multiple births

Multiple pregnancies have been on the rise in the recent years with the increasing number of twins and other types of multiple being born.

So, the following discussion is based on how to handle multiple births.

There are different reasons which lead to multiple births.

Firstly, due to the release of multiple eggs or if there is more than one ovulation during menstrual cycle. if both the eggs are fertilized it results in fraternal twins.

Secondly, in case of identical twins, one egg is released and fertilized but divides into two.

Both the above conditions can occur naturally or can be obtained using fertility drugs. Use of such drugs is on the rise these days.

Early detection of twins or multiple births can be done by ultrasound, while others find rapid growth rate of uterus causing them to suspect twins.

During prenatal tests the doctor may find abnormally high level of hCG, since multiple babies will increase the level of these hormones.

If the mother is detected with multiple pregnancies it is necessary to increase the nutritional intake. In general the mother must increase the amount of protein consumption. Since protein is the building bloc of every cell in both mother and babies body. Moreover it will help to build a good placenta and a strong amniotic sac.

The following are some tips for a healthy pregnancy.

A healthy diet can reduce the problem of low birth weight which is a common problem during multiple pregnancies. Consuming about 300 additional calories along with additional protein and calcium can solve the problem.

Expert medical monitoring during pregnancy may reduce the risk of complications such as high blood pressure, twin to twin transfusion and decreased growth rate of the babies.

Proper rest is very essential and must consult a physician regularly for diet and other charts.

Aaron Nimocks is a frequent blogger at Pregnancy Hut and has written a guide on 13 weeks pregnant and 14 weeks pregnant.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How To Get Pregnant - Avoid Fertility-Killing Foods

When you’ve been struggling for some time to get pregnant, and you believe you’ve tried everything, then you must begin to eliminate every potential mistake you might be making – no matter how small or trivial it may seem.

Some of these small changes can produce incredible results, especially when enough of these small changes are made together.
And there’s no better place to start making these small changes than with your diet. You are what you eat, after all!

One of the foods you can eliminate from your diet right now to immediately give a boost to your fertility levels are peas.

Many women and men eat peas regularly, and since they’re generally a very healthy vegetable that’s not surprising. But the truth is that peas are incredibly damaging to fertility levels. This isn’t something that’s always been known, and it’s not something that’s common knowledge – that’s why so many of us make the mistake of eating them while we try to conceive.

It was actually an accident that led to the discovery about peas. And believe it or not, the discovery was made in Tibet.

Scientists noticed that Tibet had one of the slowest-growing population rates on Earth. And these same scientists began to suspect that peas may be to blame. That’s because the pea is a staple food in Tibet, and is consumed in large amounts.

Researchers around the world began to study this theory, and not long after they discovered a natural chemical in peas with strong anti-fertility effects. But even the researchers couldn’t believe just how strong an effect this chemical was having.

When they gave this chemical to women in capsules the pregnancy rate dropped by an incredible 60 percent almost overnight. The effect was so immediate and so strong that many Asian countries began extracting the chemical from peas and using it as a contraceptive.

It even affected men. Because when men took the chemical their sperm counts plummeted by a massive 50 percent.

Despite these shocking discoveries, it’s taken some time for the ideas to reach the western world. But slowly we’re beginning to realise how deadly peas can be to our chances of becoming pregnant.
This is largely thanks to some studies carried out recently in the United States that confirmed what the researchers had been trying to tell us for years – that peas have the potential to completely prevent conception, and should therefore be avoided entirely until after your baby is born.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Guard Your Child Against the Risk of Teenage Pregnancy

The teenage years can be particularly trying for parents, as children become aware of their sexuality for the first time in their lives. Raging hormones and a newfound sense of independence may induce teens to act in ways that are irresponsible. The worst repercussion of this could be a teenage pregnancy.

Here are some facts about teenage pregnancy:

• There are estimated to be around 750,000 teenage pregnancies in the U.S. per year.

• Teenage pregnancy rates in the U.S. are amongst the highest in the developed world—higher than in other countries such as Great Britain, France, or Germany.

• A study estimates that up to 31% of teenage girls become pregnant before they reach the age of 20.

Teenage pregnancies harm the mother in the following ways:

• Teenage mothers suffer from poor weight gain, hypertension, anemia, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Guilt, anxiety, and depression also commonly affect them.

• Most teenage mothers often drop out of school or college early.

• Studies show a strong link between teenage pregnancy, single parenthood, and poverty.

Babies born from teenage pregnancies are at risk for the following reasons:

• Babies born to teenage mothers invariably have low birth weights and suffer health problems.

• Studies show that babies of teen mothers receive less care and medical treatment.

• Babies of teen parents also suffer from inadequate parenting. Studies show that children of teen mothers generally do badly in school.

As a dad, there are things you can do to guard against teenage pregnancy:

• Talk. Uncomfortable as it may initially be, talk to your teen about safe sex.

• Teach. Help your child to develop a healthy attitude toward sex.

• Supervise. Always allow your child to have healthy interactions with the opposite sex. At the same time, experts recommend that you discourage single dating, or 'going steady', until your child is at least 16 years old.

• Protect. Ensure that your teen stays away from drugs or alcohol.

• Encourage. Cultivate frankness in your children and encourage them to talk with you about all their problems.