There are many reasons why pregnant women have difficulty sleeping. Here are few of the more common ones:
Frequent urge to urinate: Your kidneys are working extra hard to filter the increased amount of blood during pregnancy. This increased filtering activity results in increased urine. Your growing baby also puts extra pressure on your bladder.
To help with this try to drink most of your fluids in the morning and early afternoon. Drink fewer fluids in the later evening before you go to bed. This should help to reduce the late night potty breaks.
Heartburn and Constipation: Heartburn is very common in pregnancy. It is caused due to the fact that the digestive system tends to slow down when you are pregnant. This leaves food in the stomach for longer periods of time leading to both heartburn and constipation. Heartburn worsens in pregnancy as the growing size of the uterus presses on the stomach.
To combat heartburn take an antacid like Tums or Rolaids. Check w/ your OBGYN before taking OTC heartburn medications like Prilosec or Zantac.
Body Aches and Pains: The number one cause pf problems sleeping in pregnancy is the growing size of the fetus. As your baby grows inside of you it can be very difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Pregnant women who sleep on their backs for extended periods of time can experience backaches and leg cramps. Doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep on their left side for comfort and to maximize blood flow to the placenta.
To be more comfortable sleeping in pregnancy consider getting a maternity pillow. These full body pillows are specially contoured to perfectly support the body of a pregnant woman. They offer not only support to keep the expectant mother in the side sleeping position; they also offer maximum comfort leading to a good night's sleep.
Maternity pillows not only relieve early pregnancy and insomnia they also help an expectant mother s to sleep well throughout their entire pregnancy. They become even more valuable later on in pregnancy when the growing size of the baby makes it even more difficult to be comfortable sleeping.
Early pregnancy and insomnia do not have to go hand in hand. A good maternity pillow can be your best friend in pregnancy to get the healthy sleep that both you and your baby need. Learn more about the top rated maternity pillows that mothers to be recommend the most at
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