Thursday, November 1, 2007

4 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

4 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

So you want to get that wiggly bowling ball of a baby out already!! Its been 9 months of puking, peeing, bloating and not sleeping and it is time to put an end to the madness. The bassinet is ready, your bags are packed and the nursary has a fresh coat of paint. Well aside from booking a planned c-section there are no guarantees as too when your little munchkin will make an appearance, however there are a few things you could try to give nature a nudge. These are the 4 methods I explored with my last two pregnancies to get the ball rolling.

1) Essential Oil-Clary Sage-This was a personal favorite of mine that I used to go into labor with both of my little monkeys. I am convinced without the assistance of Clary Sage that I would have gone overdue with both pregnancies, however both occurred right at my due date! I simply rubbed the oil on my wrists and ankles and added a few drops to my bath water. It also comes in handy during labor where the scent helped to provide calm and comfort, and actually assist in the effective dialation of the uterus. They do warn however, not to use until you are far enough along in your pregnancy to go into labor.

2) Stripping or Sweeping Membranes- This was not a favorite of mine which I did do twice in the doctors office with my last pregnancy (at 38 & 39 weeks). Basically the doctor inserts his finger into the vagina and attempts to separate your bag of water from the lower part of the uterus. This is suppose to cause a release of hormones called prostaglandins which should help to get contractions going and may help to further ripen the cervix. I have one word for this procedure...OUCH!! It hurt so very bad, but more so the first time. I did experience some spotting and cramping after having this procedure done, which I was told by my doctor is completely normal. Although it was a painful procedure and it didn't work to put me right into labour as I was hoping, if given the choice, I would do it again.

3) Sex-I know what your thinking. Isn't this what got me in this mess to begin with? Well sometimes how it starts is how it ends. So although you may feel as big as a house and it feels that you got kicked hard in the crotch it may be worth it to hop on board so to speak. Apparently semen contains prostaglandins that can stimulate contractions.

4)Nipple Stimulation-Well I must say that this one is much easier than the sex option and with enough massaging I remember even feeling light contractions of the uterus. The science behind nipple stimulation is that it helps your body release oxytocin (natural form of pitocin), which causes contractions and can even help to bring on labor. Some doctors do advise against this method because it can lead to long, hard contractions which can stress the baby and the fetal heart rate.

Ultimately, it is that little tike that will decide when he or she is ready to come out, however it never hurts to try to give nature a nudge. It is however, incredibly important that you speak with your doctor or health care provider before attempting any approach to induce labour (natural or otherwise).

Nicole Burgess
This article is free for republishing

Is It Safe To Exercise During Pregnancy?

Many women are nervous about doing anything that may harm their baby, but exercise is recommended for uncomplicated pregnancy women and it is a good idea to get some exercises everyday.

Moderate exercise is helpful because it improves the mother’s mental status and provide health benefits for the baby that include increasing oxygen flow to the fetus and decreasing risk of trauma for both baby and mother during birth. Some studies have shown that exercise can reduce the length of labour, shorten the recovery time, and even help with postpartum weight management.

The types of exercise that pregnant women should do are
• Aerobic exercises such as swimming and walking. These exercises will increase the heart rate and pump oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
• Kegels exercises (Pelvic floor exercises). These exercises are very important because they decrease risk of tearing of the perineum during birth and help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which tend to loosen after labour. All the pregnant women need to do is squeeze their pelvic muscles for a few minutes everyday.
• Flexibility exercise such as yoga that is the good way to improve the flexibility and this type of exercise is very popular in pregnant women. However, not all Yoga exercises are safe for pregnant women. Look for a prenatal Yoga class that is tailored to pregnant moms.

There are recognized contraindications for exercising during pregnant such as incompetence cervix, intrauterine growth retardation, pregnancy induced hypertension, preterm labour (during previous pregnancy), early contractions, vaginal bleeding and premature rupture of the membranes.

What should the pregnant women be careful about?
• Avoid exercising at extreme altitude or in hot, humid environments because it is critical that the pregnant women become overheated.
• Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
• Avoid activities that increase the risk of falls or injury, such as contact sports or vigorous sports.
• Avoid long periods of standing.
• Avoid contact sports and activities that quickly change the center of gravity.
• Wear good exercise shoes to help support the back and ankles.

Before starting any exercise program, the pregnant women should first discuss their plans with their doctor and have regular appointments with their health care provider.

What problems should the pregnant women tell their doctor about?
• Shortness of breath
• Severe headache
• Dizziness
• Dim or blurry vision
• Sudden or severe abdominal or vaginal pain
• Contractions that go on for 30 minutes.
• Chest pain and palpitation.
• Blood or fluid coming from the vagina
• Muscle weakness
• Calf pain or swelling
• Decreased movement of the baby