Monday, November 12, 2007

Pregnancy Morning Sickness: What Causes The Nausea?

Many women suffer from pregnancy morning sickness some just suffer more than others.

Morning sickness strikes in early pregnancy. With symptoms such as mild nausea and fatigue, morning sickness is a common feature. Others, including nosebleeds and bladder infections, are less common.

Changes! Changes!

So what leads to early pregnancy symptoms as morning sickness? Soon after you conceive, your body begins a series of major changes that enable it to sustain your baby through 9 months of growth and development. The glands of your endocrine system and placenta begin to cause more hormone production. Your blood volume increases and your uterus expand.

By the fourth month of pregnancy, you'll begin to feel like yourself, mostly because your body has adjusted somewhat to these dramatic changes. Until then, you can rest assured that first trimester pregnancy symptoms are almost always associated with normal pregnancies that lead to healthy babies. For example, morning sickness and the other ailments that occur around this time are almost always mild enough to manage on your own. If the symptoms persist into the second trimester pregnancy, then there could well be trouble. You need to get yourself medically examined.

How common is pregnancy morning sickness? More than half of pregnant women or about 70% suffer from bouts of morning sickness that include nausea and vomiting, early in pregnancy. While a queasy feeling may be most commonly felt in the morning, the feeling could even last through the day.

The Hormone's Role

Pregnancy morning sickness affects because a rapid increase in hCG (the pregnancy hormone) and estrogen play a part in the appearance of morning sickness. You start feeling the effects of pregnancy morning sickness once the pregnancy hormone raises to a certain level. Many start feeling relief from the morning sickness around the time that the levels of hCG start to decline in your system, which is about the time that the second trimester strikes.

Another change that occurs when you are pregnant is a heightened sense of taste and smell. Smells and tastes that once were appealing take on a whole new effect. Foods such as coffee and meats that might once be appealing to you, now begin to repel owing to their strong odors. It is believed that the increase of estrogen is responsible for this change.

It is also believed that women who have a weak stomach or are prone to throwing up for a number of reasons such as stress, illness, birth control pills, etc. can experience pregnancy morning sickness more often and severely than women who have a stronger ability to withstand nausea and a strong stomach.

Relieve It!

How do you manage pregnancy morning sickness? Ways to relieve that nauseous feeling last from munching a few crackers before getting up early in the morning, eating several small meals a day so your stomach is never empty, drinking plenty of fluids including crushed ice, fruit juice, or frozen ice pops, to wearing a morning sickness band which might soothe your stomach by pressing on an acupressure point inside your wrist.

Alien writes for Teen pregnancy . He also writes for family health and home remedies .

This article is free for republishing


1 ความคิดเห็น:

ellie24 said...

Morning sickness isn't quite understood yet. There are so many possible underlying causes,
and testing isn't an option due to the harm it can cause to the developing fetus. But there are natural morning sickness cures
that can provide effective relief. Try a sip of ginger, most women find this herbal remedy very safe
and effective.