Tuesday, April 1, 2008

5 Sanity Tips for New Mom

Becoming a stay at home mother is one of the greatest feelings known to womanhood! It is exciting to know that you are going to raise your own child hands on in the home and be able to enjoy them too! You are excited to change their diapers, wash them, coo to them, teach them, hold them and love them, exactly what you are suppose to feel for your children. But then something happens, you start to become weary and tired, then suddenly all of it can just seem to be too much! The overwhelming dread of being woke up in the middle of the night to tend to your hungry, unhappy child; you start to feel like a failure, as if you are not doing your “job” as a mother correctly. By now you have started to feel a bit unappreciated by everyone and it is magnified because of your sleep deprivation. You are not alone! This is the most common situational struggle that a new stay at home mother goes through. It feels like it will never end, but believe me it does!

Below is a list of 5 Tips that helped me as a stay at home mother and can help you too!

1.) Always remember the saying “This too shall pass”: I remember my mother telling me this and at the time I did not believe her but she was right, it did!

2.) Communicate to your loved ones how you are feeling even if it means complaining and seems depressing. You will soon learn they felt the same way when they were in a new mother and you will not feel alone!

3.) If someone asks how they can help, give them suggestions. Anyone who has taken the time to ask how they can help you truly wants to be of help to you! I was too much of a martyr, when people would ask me, I would respond with “I am fine” or “I don’t need anything”, but really felt the opposite and eventually shot myself in the foot when it came to receiving any help. When someone takes the time to ask you what they can do for you, let them know! Put a list together and take advantage of the assistance while you have it.

4.) Asking for help is a hard thing to do. It is easier when someone suggests some help, but if no one offers a hand, you need to ask. Asking for help is important and essential to do before you are already feeling overwhelmed. If you can utilize the assistance of others, you will be better off on the end.

5.) Don’t forget about yourself. You need some time to reflect alone and it is not selfish to do this once in a while. Learn to treat yourself here and there and you will a much happier sleep deprived mother!

All in all, motherhood is the greatest joy there is! If you can practice these 5 suggestions you will be on your way to becoming a satisfied stay at home mother who is filled with joy and laughter every single day!

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