Friday, May 2, 2008

Beware Of After Pregnancy Emotions

Pregnant women generally suffer from anxiety and tension. They have endless questions in their mind. Some of the questions they do ask their doctors and some are too personal; these keep hovering in their mind endlessly.

Sleepless nights are common. Queries about their body, especially about the baby trouble them now and then to such an extent that they end up panic-stricken. Putting up with morning sickness and associated pregnancy problems for nine months, and then going through painful delivery- women get simply drained out of their energy and patience. Loving and caring the new born is said to come naturally to the mothers. But in certain cases new mothers fail to get stabilized with the changes in their life.

The major problem - post pregnancy response

You must realize that a new life has come to the earth and you have been an active participant in creating it. Your child is incapable of doing thing on its own. It needs your milk but most importantly it requires your warmth and affection. This world of brightness is alien to the little one. It begs for your generous guidance to live on. Its present surrounding is diametrically opposite to the dark and cozy chamber of your womb. Do not indulge in too much of thoughtfulness. Socialize to divert your mind from disturbing reflections. In several cases it is seen that due to post pregnancy response relationships get a jolt.

Never vent out your confused anger on your family members. Your irritation can even sprout out when your family members start getting involved with your child. Control yourself; all they do is simple playing with the new arrived bundle of joy. Continue having those friendly conversations with your husband. Pamper your child but do not, under any circumstance, make your husband feel left out. A peaceful family is all that your child demands from you.

Aaron Nimocks is a frequent blogger at Pregnancy Hut and has written a guide on 21 weeks pregnant and 22 weeks pregnant.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Anonymous said...

Nice post Thank You